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The sun shone down onto the vast valley. Leving lots of sunlight and heat. It was long, narrow, hard to find your way out.

Hongjoon had been trapped in this place for a month now, after he escaped Kai and the Shadow pack, but he struggled to find food, let alone any water. Honjoon felt so dehydrated, he wanted to give up and just lay there. But he felt like something was calling to him in the distance, beckoning him. This kept him going.

He was limping. He hurt his back right leg very badly and had been unable to shift since then. All of the energy was being sucked away from him as the days went on.

Hongjoon saw the sun starting to set. He had to find somewhere to rest, away from the hawks as they would claw and eat him alive. He was food, not a friend to them. He kept limping until he saw a cave in the distance, his eyes just adjusting to it.

He made his way up towards the cave, but he scented something, something sweet. It was a flower type of sent. He jumps up, knowing he could not make a sound.

Hongjoon gets to the cave entrance and looks in. He sees a boy, he was quiet handsome with his short brown hair and his button brown eyes. He had a lot of cuts on him however, some bruises as well. He keeps a close eye, his eyes become red as he desires that sent.

I want that omega! No, I need that omega!

He enters the cave and growls, the boy whimpers into submission, not seeing him coming. Hongjoon limps over to him, trying not to hiss in and to tell the omega he was weak.

"Please!" wailed the boy as tears came from his eyes dropping to his knees. "Don't take me back to him! I'll do anything!"

"What do you mean by anything? And who is him?" Hongjoon attempts to link, eventually figuring out that he could not link to the boy. Hongjoon forgot about his foot and places it down, hissing.


He knows I'm weak, he knows I'm in pain. He could get away. The boy heard the hiss and stares at him. He had the perfect opportunity to run. Hongjoon lays down, to dehydrated to stop him as he felt himself going delusional.

A small bowl got pushed to him. Hongjoon looked up and saw the boy as he put water slowly into the bowl. Hongjoon watched him as the bowl filled up to around to halfway. Once the boy was out the way, Hongjoon did not hesitate and drank the water.

His senses returned a little bit and Hongjoon stares at the boy before he pulls out some herbs. The boy stared at him.

"I'm going to heal your leg," said the omega as his amber eyes showed. "It may hurt, but it's not intentional I promise," the boy approaches slowly to the wolf.

Hongjoon felt the pain go through him as the boy worked with his leg. He hissed a lot, not expecting a whiz of pain every two seconds. The boy kept working, ether ignoring his hissed or muttering "sorry" under his breath.

After a couple of minutes, the boy backed away from him, putting the extra herbs and medication into his mini backpack. Honjoon glanced at his foot, all packed up, looking good as new. Hongjoon gave the younger boy a thankful look.

But he wished to thank him in his human form.

Hongjoon suddenly shifts into his human form, feeling easier to do as the herbs seemed to have worked well. The boy stares at him.

"I wanted to thank you with words," said Hongjoon as he smiles.

"It's my nature to help others in need sir," the boy answered, returning the smile.

Hongjoon sits down, still a bit of pain within him, but he feels relaxed. "What's your name?" Hongjoon asked.

"Jung Wooyoung, sir" the boy answered. "But just call me Wooyoung. May I ask your name?"

"Kim Hongjoon," said Hongjoon. "Just call me Hongjoon, it's lovely to meet you!"

Wooyoung smiles and sits down. He keeps his eyes on the horizon. They had a long comfortable silence before he asked him something.

"Are you hear to take me back to Taeyong?" asked Wooyoung.

"Who the fuck is that?" asked Hongjoon. "No, I'm not by the way, in case that was not made clear," Hongjoon gave a reassuring grin.

"You have never heard of the Royals?" asked Wooyoung. Hongjoon shaked his head in response as Shadow only talked about Kai, no one else.

"Well, first your lucky," said Wooyoung. "The Royals are the pack that everyone looks too, they are royalty in the world today for most people," Wooyoung started.

"Did you run away from their?" asked Hongjoon. "Were they your pack?"

"I was not in their pack," answered Wooyoung, a dark gaze came upon him. "Taeyong, he is the first born of the King and Queen and is next in line for the throne. I was sent there for a choosing ceremony. To be the princes mate," Wooyoung gulped and hesitated.

"Take your time," Hongjoon soothed the omega as he nods.

"I was selected out of 20 omegas to be the princes mate," continued Wooyoung after a few deep breaths. "He seemed amazing, kind, honest, everything I would want. But I was..." Hongjoon could see Wooyoung tear up, it made him feel very sorry for him. "Stupid!"

"I don't think you were stupid," said Hongjoon as he uses a rock for support to get up and walk over to him slowly, sitting down next to him. "The media, I'm assuming that's where you saw it, lies a lot. And they obviously lied about a prince and his so called 'perfect' and 'rich' lifestyle!" Wooyoung chuckled a little. "It also happens to the best of us, I believed the media a lot as a teen as well...until my parents were killed," Hongjoon looked away.

"I'm sorry to hear..." Wooyoung looked to his knees and Hongjoon wraps an arm around him. "I think we are both done with the sob stories for one night," Hongjoon wiped a tear with his second hand.

"Yeah, your right..." Wooyoung nods. "But why are you here? Like in the valley?"

Hongjoon stops for a moment. He never thought this through. He could lie. He could also be honest. What could he do? His new friend would hate him if he found out he came from Shadow! He would leave him for dead!

"I-I-I" stuttered Hongjoon and Wooyoung looked at him, his eyes wide with curiosity and sympathy. Hongjoon knew one thing, he would accept him.

"I'm an escapee from Shadow," answered Hongjoon. Wooyoung glanced at him with shock and amazement at the same time.

"You're brave," said Wooyoung, Honjoon was flabbergasted.

"You're not pissed?" Honjoon asked.

"Nope!" a grin appeared on Wooyoung's face. "Never would be!"

Hongjoon tickled him and he laughed. He liked that feeling of security and safety with him. Something he had never felt for a long time.

"If it helps," Wooyoung said through the laughs. "I know my way inside out in the valley, I can get you back to the mainland!"

"Thank you!" Hongjoon suddenly pulled him into a hug, "Thank you Wooyoung. I don't know if I will ever be able to repay you for your kindness!"

"It's the least I could do," Wooyoung said. "As a 'thanks for not handing me in' type of thing," Wooyoung looked outside. "We can leave at sunrise tomorrow, just rest please, you seem exhausted!"

Hongjoon nods and he places his head down in his human form onto the cold rock. It eased him, made him relaxed as Wooyoung shifted and place his head next to his. He smiled one more time before whispering into his ear.

"Goodnight Wooyoungie," Hongjoon whispered.

Hongjoon made his final wish to the lights, Please give us a good rest, and wake up to a day filled with adventure and excitement as I leave this place and my roots behind me!

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