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And It came to pass when the day for Manuel to perform his rap music came. Manuel memorised every word of the lyrics he was going to perform on stage, but there was one thing left which he had to do. Which was to fight his weakness on stage. For he has not performed on stage before. He did not want anyone to know he was going to perform. Nick was not around and the only person he could trust was Gabriel.

So early in the morning he went to a Gabriel and told him about the program coming at hand. Gabriel gave him the poster and Manuel almost broke down. For the program was going to be live on all social media handles. Manuel did not know what to do. Quickly Gabriel and Manuel went to the church to rehearse. They both rehearsed one line after another and everything went with perfection.

Manuel sighed out of nervousness due to the fact that he has not performed a rap art before. Gabriel then encouraged him to do more and advised him never to go out there to disgrace Sir Eben or that will be the end of him. Manuel left with mixed emotions and went to the classroom feeling all worked up and quiet. Nick came around him and Manuel was relieved.

Nick saw Manuel looking all nervous and sweaty. He asked if Manuel was alright and he made it known to him that he was not alright. Manuel put his mixed emotions on the mode of explanation. Nick said to him, "Bro, I believe in you. You've got the potential to put smiles on the faces of people. You know, I believe in the near future you're going to be part of the great Christian rappers. Like Lecrae, Hulvey, or even Dax."

Manuel in reply said, "Yeah bro....I know all that. I just hope it goes well, or that'd be the end of me. You know I never called this upon myself. It's not my fault but now it's my responsibility. " Manuel felt motivated to go and show the people of Wisconsin College what he's capable of doing.


Magdalena and her colleagues came together for a short meeting. Magdalena said to them, "You know that the day has finally come for the anointed prophet to come and bring deliverance to the school. I want all of you to bring your anklets and bracelets. We can't send this thing there or else we'll be caught operating in darkness." One of them said, "You know this prophet hears from  God and even with we hiding our anklets and bracelets he will still get to know..." Vashti interrupted saying, "He might know we operate in darkness but he would not be able to say it because in the code of Christian Ethics you cannot expose someone as being a witch in the open but just conduct a deliverance session."

Magdalena said, "You're right Vashti. What makes me happy is our charms would not be destroyed because we're not sending it into the church. Yet I'm saddened because according to what I saw, there's going to be a great deliverance for people today in the church and our hardwork might be destroyed." Vashti replied, " won't be destroyed totally. Even with deliverance we can still occupy in zczaaca hearts because they won't give their hearts totally to God. So don't worry. Let's keep calm and watch the concert that's going to happen today."


It was time for worship and everyone including the teachers entered the church for the last grand worship before the exams. Manuel and Nick found a spot to perch so they will have a clear view of whatever that will go on in  the church. Everyone anticipated for what is going to happen. Bernard on the other hand wished Vashti would be caught for witchcraft.

Opening prayers took place with Sir Eben blasting in tongues an intercessor would. Praises and worship went through. And through out all these sessions Manuel's fear aggravated. Nick saw what was happening and still encouraged him. It got to the critical part of the service for song ministration to take place. One person after another until it got to Manuel's turn. Sir Eben appeared to be the Master of ceremony. Sir Eben began his speaking skills saying, "Next on the list we've got the future Lecrae, the ones who are going to take gospel rap to the next level. Let's give it up for Manuel!"

He got to the stage with the boys chanting, "Manny Nuels! Manny Nuels!" The music beat began with Manuel about to rap the walk by Lecrae. Manuel began with the rap and the whole school began with noise chanting his name. At a point he forgot a line and ended up mixing up the lyrics and going off the beat. Immediately Magdalena and her colleagues began to boo Manuel. Manuel tried to ignore but he could contain the intensity anymore. Thus, he dropped the Mike and run out of the church.

Sir Eben was furious and felt disgraced with what Manuel did. But he left it anywhere. Nick quickly went after him so he would not do something stupid. Nick saw Manuel crying all alone. He quickly went to him and Manuel pushed him and said, "Leave me alone! I'm a failure. I've failed myself, I've failed you, and everyone who looked up to me. Most importantly I've failed God."

Nick shook him and said, "Manuel! You haven't failed God! Get that out of your mind! If God was through with you you would be here this moment. He would have just killed you immediately! Bro, put yourself together and quit tripping." Manuel got up and said on top of his voice, "Why should I quit tripping?! Give me five reasons to why I should quit tripping?! Those who sang hosanna to me are now crucified me through mockery! And I should act like a happy person all round. Sigh!"

After a long moment of silence accompanied with tears Nick said to Manuel, "Bro, let's go. Let them boo you all they like. They don't define you. Sir Eben can give up on you but I'm not going to give up on you. We're in this together." They entered the Chapel and almost everyone including Michelle began to laugh at Manuel.

Annette on the other hand spotted Manuel sitting calmly looking depressed. She had compassion for him and felt like speaking to him. Her sitting partner said, "Annette, don't tell me you still have feelings for him. He ditched you for Michelle. Now look at him, a nerdy coward. Leave him and let him be." Annette felt sorry for what happened to him and also began to reminisce all what she did to Manuel and had a deep regret for that.

The Pastor finished his sermon and he told everyone to stand up and begin to worship. Manuel refused to stand and sat down observing whatever went on. Anointing began to flow in the room, evil spirits began to manifest themselves, prophecies began to flow. In spite of all this Manuel was not moved or touched because the day he is supposed to rejoice in was ruined.

Manuel was surprised but not entirely surprised that Vashti was not caught. He then remembered that in Christian Ethics it is not everything that is being said there. Yet, the Pastor made mention that there are five witches in the school whose main aim was to destroy the lives of great destinies. Manuel had goosebumps all over his body and said to himself, "Seriously, this man is truly a man of God."

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