Bandanas, Fans and Albatross

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Can! Can! Please over here! Can I take a photo with you? Can you sign my book? Can, I love you! Hey! This way! screamed the fans as he got to the airport on his way to Izmir.

Waving and smiling for a few photos, Can got inside the terminal. He wondered if it was too early to text Sanem and decided against it.

Everything good, abi? Roberto asked.

Yeah, yeah, all good, Can said smiling, looking at the picture of him and Sanem on his phone. Showing his friend, the photo, Roberto nodded. Roberto had been away for a few days and just starting to realize what Tahir was talking about when he mentioned Sanem to him when he had returned.

He had never seen Can so happy but Mamut was concerned. Tahir was happy for their friend too, but hoped he was careful. Can was a man that felt deeply, which meant that he could be hurt deeply as well.

 Can was a man that felt deeply, which meant that he could be hurt deeply as well

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She's beautiful, Can. I'm sorry I didn't get to meet her in Ankara. Are you guys dating or is it just casual? he asked.

Tahir answered, Let's put it this way. Can plans his days around seeing Sanem!

Can lightly shoved his friend and said, She's definitely a priority in my life right now.

Wow, I haven't heard you say that since Ezgi and even she didn't hold that much priority, Roberto said, his eyebrows raised.

She's so different from any other woman I've ever known. She's smart, talented, has a great sense of humor, loves literature. I never know what's going on in her head. She keeps me guessing. I feel like a teenager again, Can said as he thought about all the things he loved about her.

Love..whoa..was he in love? Smiling, he thought, yes, I think this has to be love. He hated to be apart from her and felt whole, complete when they were together.

Boarding the short flight, Can, Tahir and Roberto talked about the details of the tour.

We're sold out again, Can! It's not as big as the last venue but it will be another long night. I hope you got some rest, Roberto told him.

I'm ready, Can said, as he mentally prepared for the event. He thought about what Sanem said on their first date in Ankara. It has stayed with him ever since. She had touched him deeply with those words and it healed some of the pain that his Dad's words had caused.

Landing in Izmir, Can took some photos of him preparing for the event and posted them.


Sanem got a notification from IG and saw that Can had just posted.

Pinching her fingers together to make the picture bigger, she couldn't believe it!

Is that my bandana around his arm? she said out loud! Where in the world would he have found...she stopped, laughing to herself, remembering where she saw it last.

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