16. Kirne

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So how about we become monsters together? And turn this world upside down? So that… nothing bad… or sad… would remain~••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

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So how about we become monsters together? And turn this world upside down? So that… nothing bad… or sad… would remain~

Mashi: Weren't all of us delinquents in our youth?

Dashi: I wasn't

Annie: Me neither

Miki: Mashi... You're a cop. And the vice captain, you guys would've been handed the case to anyway. Back to the topic, Chifuyu I asked you to investigate about this case right?

Chifuyu: Yes, the murders have occured all over Japan, mostly in our area, Roppongi. There are two things that can be happening, 1. The killer is actually in Roppongi, 2. The killer is somewhere else but is trying to make it seem as they are in Roppongi. Dashi's father aka the ex-cap-

Akito: Hope he rests in peace

Miki: Shit..

Dashi: Guys, my father is alive...

Chifuyu: Ahem anyways! Nakamura-san once mentioned "danger in Japan" and told us to be careful when we were having a casual talk. After I did some digging I got some info that the killer might be somewhere near 27-30

Kazutora: Like us?!

Chifuyu: Kinda yes.. and they might be psychopaths who've been murdering since they were kids

Akito: Offensive of you assuming genders

Chifuyu: Now, the disturbing part. The bodies that were found have been brutally tortured.

Annie: As a doctor these stuff feels wierd to listen

Takashi: Lives are in our hands afterall..

Dashi: Chifuyu told me about some of them they're quite disturbing.

Takeomi: There's nothing scarier than my wife

Kazu & Mashi: Wow

Miki: Back to the topic guys👏!

Akito: Mother is mothering

Miki: Pipe down, or mother will punish everyone~

Kazutora: On my knees for you mommy~

Everyone laughed except the doctors and Dashi.

Dashi: I know we're friends guys, but this case is serious

Everyone nodded and got back to the topic.

Chifuyu: And the weird part about it is that, the people who were murdered are either police officers or connected to police officers by some relationship.

Akito: Wtf? I've read to many romance novels. If the murderer is hot then he can oil me up and-

Mashi: Girl you need help cuz that's just deep




Dashi: Guys?!

Chifuyu: I'll start over again🥲

(TW: Mention of torture)

Takeomi: Kid, you said that they are either connected to cops or are cops. And how were they tortured? Id like some examples.

Chifuyu: Their tongues were cut out, mouths were slit open eat to ear, eyes hammered with nails etc

Everyone was stunned.

Takashi: Please tell me that doesn't includes kids

Chifuyu hesitantly nodded. Everyone was surprised and went silent, taking a moment for the people who died.

Annie: How many victims survived?

Chifuyu: None

Mitsuya: Oh my..

They discussed further about the case, as they planned they'd start their investigation first in Roppongi.

Miki: Okay everyone you all are now dismissed


Chifuyu, Dashi, Mashi and Kazutora reached home in a foul mood. They all say down in the living room as Kazutora rested his head on Mashi's chest

Kazutora: Kitty

Kazutora looked so drained, Mashi caressed his cheek and whispered in his ear seductively.

Mashi: Do you wanna make out?

Kazutora's mood lit up as he picked up Mashi and went to their room. Soon enough, Dashi and Chifuyu went to their own room because of the "noises".

To be continued...

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