25. Discussion

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Every time I see you, I can be certain it is not a dream because my mind could never  imagine such beauty~••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

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Every time I see you, I can be certain it is not a dream because my mind could never  imagine such beauty~

Takeomi: Ofcourse I will

Annie: Well, any plans ladies and gentlemen?

Akito: I once read on a book, OMFG that was so cool! So, the heroin was like on a gunpoint, the hero was like "my sunflower, I'm sorry but I have to save the world". But you know what the hot villain said?! "Let me give you two options dear hero". The hero was like "W-What?". "You can save the world but trade your beautiful woman with me"-

Takashi: This is no fantasy world for your delulu ass

Akito: Shut up, the hero always regretted what he did but was also relieved that the world was safe. When he grew old he bumped into her and found out she's happily married to the villain~

Chifuyu: Whatever you just said was wholesome and all but there was no plan

Akito: Bitch who asked you?

Mashi: Your mom- Oh I'm sorry she's dead isn't she?

Akito: You hoe! You're so dead

Akito got up ready to hit Dashi, everyone looked at Takeomi with pleading eyes. Takeomi sighed and rolled his eyes. He put an arm around Mashi's shoulder and the other around Akito's shoulder, giving them his most charming smile.

Takeomi: Why don't you girls calm down and have a seat?

They sat down immediately with their mouths shut and tried looking calm but everyone knew they were dancing from the inside because of their red blushing faces.

Takeomi winked and smirked as he took his seat

Takeomi: Good girls~

Mashi chocked on her saliva and Akito chocked while inhaling.

Mashi: I'm soo horny for him

Akito: No lube, no protection, all night all day, from the kitchen floor to toilet seat, from dining table to church, while i gasp for air and scream the lord's prayer, he can top me.

They laughed proudly like hyenas. Everyone stared at them some laughing and some concerned, almost thinking that they're mental

Dashi: Oh my god... Let's-let's get back to the topic guys

Naoto sighed and spoke knowing he's the most mature person present there

Naoto: So first, we will inform the hotel and put it in a lockdown

Miki: Yeahh that'd be the first step

Takashi: Then we should keep an eye on the hotel too right? Captain if yes then you should divide us into pairs

Dashi: Hmm..... Chifuyu is the detective so he should probably be present for some situations. We'd empty out the citizens from the hotel no matter who they are. And we'd get Chifuyu a room for his 24/7 stay. In case of any injuries Annie and Takashi I'd like you to accompany us and change shifts

Annie: So that means I won't be seeing him much right?

Takashi held her hand and looked at her, she smiled back at him and nodded to Dashi.

Dashi: I'm sorry guys but we need to do this, to ensure the safety of Chifuyu I'd like someone to be with him all times

Miki: Shouldn't you be the one doing that?

Dashi: I prefer being alone because of what happened..

Miki: Then I'll be the one staying with Chifuyu

Chifuyu was shocked and looked at Dashi, she smiled reassuringly and he nodded.

Chifuyu: Fine.. but atleast visit me sometimes for my sanity

Dashi: I promise dear..

Chifuyu blushed and sat near the window pouting and sulking.

Dashi: Akito and Mashi, you're the most trusted and strongest pair in the whole Kesaitsu-chō. So you guys will be a pair.

Naoto: And I'll be yours?

Chifuyu: What the fuck did you just say?!

Naoto: I-I meant that I'll be the captain's pair. Nothing else Chifuyu nothing else!

Dashi chuckled and nodded

Dashi: Yes, and as to the type of criminal Aori is. I'm certain we won't have to worry about anything before 9pm and after 12 am

Naoto: But why?

Chifuyu: Because women understand women. And women are smart

Dashi: Correct answer Chifuyu

Miki: So our mission starts from tomorrow

Kazutora: I've been sitting here listening to your blabberings. What will Takeomi-san and I do?

Dashi: I'm sorry but because you guys can't accompany us

Takeomi: Understandable then... Let's go and have a party. It's on me

To be continued...

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