chapter thirty eight - you're not sorry

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"i've been giving out chances every time and all you do is let me down."
- taylor swift

I entered the cozy living room, where the soft glow of lamps illuminated the space. My mother, sitting on the couch with a book in hand, looked up, offering a warm smile. However, my expression betrayed the weight of the news I carried.

"Mom," I began, my voice barely above a whisper.

My mother sensed the seriousness in my demeanor and put the book aside, giving me her full attention. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"

I hesitated, the words catching in my throat. "Dad's in town."

My mother's eyes widened with surprise, a mix of emotions flickering across her face. "What? When did he arrive?"

"I don't know," I replied, my gaze dropping to the floor. "He found out about Jason and me, and he's not happy."

My mother's expression shifted from surprise to concern. "Astoria, what happened? Why would he be upset about you and Jason?"

Tears welled up in my eyes as she recounted the threat Jason had revealed, the ultimatum that had forced him to leave. "He said Jason had to go or he'd ruin our lives.."

My mother's hand instinctively reached out to comfort me, but the heaviness of the situation lingered in the air. "Oh, sweetheart," she whispered, her voice a mix of sympathy and frustration.

I wiped away a tear, my voice trembling. "I can't let him control my life. I won't let him drive away the people I care about."

My mother pulled me into a comforting embrace, holding me close. "We'll face this together, Astoria. No matter what your father thinks, your happiness matters."

As we clung to each other in the face of an unexpected storm, the echoes of unresolved family conflicts reverberated through the room. The challenges ahead seemed daunting, but I found solace in the support of the one person who had always been there for me - my mother.

- Third Person's POV -

Alyssa sat Theo down in the living room, her face etched with a mix of concern and frustration. She took a deep breath before sharing the unsettling news.

"Theo, there's something I need to tell you," Alyssa began, her voice steady but revealing the weight of the information she held.

Theo looked up from his book, sensing the gravity of the situation. "What's going on, Alyssa?"

She hesitated for a moment, searching for the right words. "Valentino is back in town."

Theo's eyes narrowed, a flicker of concern crossing his face. "Valentino? Your ex-husband? What's he doing here?"

Alyssa nodded, her gaze focused on a distant point. "Jason saw him. It seems he found out about her relationship with Jason, and he's not happy about it."

Theo's expression shifted to one of concern. "Is he causing trouble?"

Alyssa sighed, the weight of her past with Valentino evident in her eyes. "He gave Jason an ultimatum - either leave or face consequences. It's like he's trying to control our lives again."

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