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Kai whispered something in Hobi's ear and her cheeks reddened in shyness. She blushed and started moving away but was held by Kai.

"Should I wait until tomorrow ?" He asked and Hoseok wiggled in his grip, she didn't reply and kept wiggling.

"Just reply to him, only if you don't want to stay in the arms of My general. " Their eyes widened and it didn't take them a second to break apart, there was a guilty and confident look on Kai's face, and he bowed down in respect and elbowed Hoseok who did the same.

Jungkook nodded in acknowledgement before getting inside Taehyung's chamber with her in arms.

"What will King Jeon think about me?" Hoseok cried in fear. Kai took hold of her palm.

"Nothing, he is the same as the coconut, hard from the outside and soft from the inside."




Four days went by in a blink, and Taehyung didn't leave a single stone unturned in the preparation for war against Xia.

Every important member of the kingdom including King Jeon himself seemed to be impressed by her way of thinking and knowledge in matters of war. She explained traps to directly trap the King without hurting and killing many troops

"We have 60 cannons and they have 45 so it's also our plus point. The man and troops who are good archers will be behind stones or trees to work as a backup for every troop and leader." She said and all ministers nodded in affirmation.

"All we have to do is form circular, rectangular and triangular shapes from troops once the King of Xia gets in mid of the field, we have to trap him slowly and not forget that the face of the last row should be on the other side for protection, their work will have to save the one inside the figure from getting hit." The warrior princess drew a big figure on a white sheet and pointed out every small thing before explaining it.

After her turn, it was King Jeon's turn to explain the backup idea of war, "We all know that there is the possibility of us losing the war too so if anyhow in any circumstances we felt things going out of our hands, we will go with plan B. Our 3000 men will climb on Xia's palace from the backside without being noticed. Our 2000 men will secretly enter the palace during the war. If any time we felt danger increasing we will trap the King of Xia in disguise of his army."  He explained and all ministers nodded. They discussed their plans for an hour.

"Now you all can leave, tomorrow is the day," he said with his cold-hearted smile and all the ministers nodded. They bowed in respect and left the planning chamber leaving them alone.

"You did a great job" his words made her smile and she again felt the same jingles she had felt from the past two days whenever King Jeon came around.

"Thank you, King Jeon, I believe we will win" She whispered and he nodded wrapping his hands around her shoulder and turning her towards him to face him. "We will!" he said with too much confidence that it brought a sense of positivity to Taehyung's heart.




Lisa was doing her sword practice while her mind always drifted to the young consort who shared her secrets with her days ago.

"When I was 16 years old, slave traders kidnapped me," Jennie said with a painful expression. "My King was then roaming in the streets disguised as a commoner. He saw the commotion of my parents crying and searching for me. So, he promised them and went to search for me. Fortunately, after five days I was finally found in a small cottage in between the forest." Tears rolled down her cheeks as Lisa watched her with pity.

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