Chapter 30: The Truth

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It was going to be a bit of a long trip to backtrack to the rainy path. And it started with... a bird.

"Undyne," I spoke up, taking in the small yellow duck that sat in front of us, "what's so important about this bird?"

"What's so important about him!?" Undyne replied, dumbfounded. "This bird will carry anyone across that gap." She pointed past the bird, where the water split the land, blocking our progress. "And it NEVER says no."

"I see."

"When I was younger, it gave me a lift. It took an hour... But this bird NEVER once thought of giving up! Cheris this bird!"

The bird's expression never changed with all of this praise, remaining completely neutral.

"Must've been the most patient you've ever been," I teased.

"HEY, WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!?" Undyne cried out.

"Calm down. It's just a joke. Also, loud sounds scare Frisk," I warned.

Frisk did seem to keep a distance between her and Undyne, but she made her way to the bird... and gave it a hug.

"Now there you go!" Undyne responded. "Cherish it as hard as you can!"

"So, it can carry you across?" I asked. I took a look at the gap, and noted, "but if I use my Blue Magic, I could probably jump across. It's not that big of a gap."

"Oh, I can totally jump across without magic," Undyne gloated. "But would you deny the bird the chance to carry you?"

"Um... no...? Actually, you know what, how about Frisk goes with the bird?" I offered. "She doesn't have a way across without someone else's help." I leaned down, and signed, so how about it? Think you can do it?

Frisk nodded, without hesitation. She then nodded to the bird, and held out her arms. And in turn, the bird flew up, grabbed Frisk by the head, and took off.

He... wasn't very fast. In the span of about... twenty seconds, he managed to get Frisk to the other side.

Still... "Wow, if it took an hour before, he really did improve," I said.

"Right?" Undyne replied, before she effortlessly made a running leap, crossing the gap with ease. I grabbed Toby, and activated my Blue Magic, following suit.

"Well, okay, this is the only way to loop back to where we need to go," I stated. "So let's not waste any more time."

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After a small journey retracing our steps, we found ourselves back on the rainy path, with a new umbrella. Well, Undyne decided to just get drenched. Well, she was a fish, so fair, but her clothes weren't immune to getting wet.

We made our way to the waterway, and the lone Echo Flower from before, isolated on its lone platform.

"Here we are," I exclaimed.

"Here?" Undyne sounded. "There's nothing here, except for that Echo Flower."

"That's how well it's hidden. Like I said, my friend likes his isolation." I pointed past that Echo Flower, where everything quickly faded into darkness. "We need to go past there. Past the flower"

Undyne smirked, and was about to ready a stance to make a leaping jump, but I held up a hand.

"No," I said. "The way across is simple. You just need to know the secret." I knelt down, holding the umbrella above me with one hand, and placing the other on the ground. "Should be right about... here."

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