Chapter 11: Into the Snowdin Forest

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Very quickly, the tall trees swapped out with snow-covered pines, as we continued down the path. To our left, a river flowed past us, towards the direction we were traveling.

As we walked along, off to the side, nestled by some trees, was a box and a standing sign by it. The sign read, "This is a box." Brilliant, I thought, starting off. "You can put an item inside or take an item out. The same box will appear later, so don't worry about coming back. Sincerely, a box lover."

"Okay..." I said, wondering how this was a good idea. Putting your items into a random box, and grabbing them later from a different, yet the "same" box? How did the box move, or move the items inside? What if some else used the box? Wouldn't they be able to take your items?

Sure the answer was probably "magic", using some sort of pocket space or something. But growing up around magic, I knew it was more complicated than that. Casting magic could be simple, but magic like "pocket spaces" was quite advanced, if you didn't have access to one naturally.

Wingding would compare it to a computing device, but since I'm not tech-savvy like him, I would compare it to something I know: Cooking. If you wanted to get a recipe right, you would need to get the right ingredients, split them into the right amount, mix them in the right order, and bake them in the right amount of time. One mistake, and you could ruin the whole thing.

Magic was very similar to that, but it relied more on your emotion and thoughts. Some magic was easy to learn, and all monsters had specific types of magic that were natural to them. But other magic was very difficult to master, and even could be dangerous if you screwed up using it.

I was going to just ignore the box. I had plenty of room in my pockets. I even knew how to use pockets spaces myself. How else would I store my Gaster Blasters? Frisk, however, opened up the box and reached inside.

"What are you looking for?" I asked her.

She grabbed whatever she was looking for, and pulled out a pair of tough-looking, but worn pinkish gloves.

"What are those for?"

Frisk looked at me nervously. She tried signing with one hand, holding the gloves in the other, saying, it... protects my hands.

"Like... armor?" Then it occurred to me. While protecting your hands could be important in a fight, but based on how she was asking, it was more likely she meant to keep her hands from hurting if she were to hit something, maybe even do more damage.

In short, they were another weapon.

"Frisk," I told her slowly, "I told you, we don't have to fight the monsters."

She looked down in shame.

I sighed. "Okay, you can put them on, but only because they'll probably keep your hands warm. No fighting with them," I repeated.

She nodded as she put on the gloves, squeezing her hands to warm them up.

Continuing on a short bit, just before the forest path diverged from the river, we found a fishing rod affixed to the ground, its line hanging in the water. Curious, I reeled in the line...

Only the thing attached to the end of the line was a photo of a weird-looking monster, some ugly fish dude. On the back, it said, "Call me! Here's my number!"

I decided not to call, and instead opted to send the line back into the water.

Delving back into the forest, we began to hear voices up. Lo and behold, it was Sans and Papyrus again. And of course, I was wondering how Sans got here so fast when he went the OTHER WAY!

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