4 - A Place to Hide

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Once we dropped everyone off where they wanted to be and visiting for a moment with Laura Barton and Clints family Sam, Steve and I took off.

I put the coordinates in the system for Sam to my cabin so he could follow, and I looked at the back of the jet and saw Steve just sitting there.

"Is he okay?" I asked Sam and he sighed.

"Sometime when he gets around families, he remembers what he didn't get a chance to have." Sam said and I sighed.

"He still has time..." I said and Sam half nodded. I got out of the co-pilot chair and headed to the back of the jet. I sat next to Steve and then gently nudged him.

"Why so silent?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Everyone is now scattered..." Steve said.

"It's what was needed Steve. We are all on the run. Looks suspicious a whole team of people traveling around." I said with a small smile. Steve just groaned and stood up.

"You think I don't know that Romy?!" Steve said slightly raising his voice. I just sat there in shock and then sighed.

"Sorry, guess I'll leave you alone." I said and went to walk away but Steve grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him. I was flush against him, and he sighed. He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear then his hand lingered on my cheek.

"I'm sorry just everything with Tony that went down and all of that. Finding you, Ross, the accords, everyone scattered. It's scary." Steve said and I half nodded.

"I know Steve but don't take it out on the one person who is trying to help you stay hidden." I said and pushed off of him and walked back up to the cockpit sitting in the co-pilot chair.

Just because Steve said he was sorry I wasn't going to forgive him for talking to me like he did. I did nothing wrong, and he didn't have to save me. I just sat and looked out the window.

The rest of the ride was mostly silent. Sam finally reached the clearing by the cabin, and I sighed.,

"Let me go alone first. Make sure no one is there. I know my aunt keeps an eye on the place." I said.

"I'm not letting you go alone." Steve said.

"I'll be fine." I said annoyed and opened the hatch. Steve went to say something, but Sam stopped him.

"You've pissed her off enough. I would just stop." Sam said and Steve growled.

I walked through the woods, through the overgrown path to the cabin. Once I walked to the front porch I found the hide-a-key and unlocked the door.

"Hello?" I called out making sure the coast was clear and I sighed seeing all the furniture covered and it was super dusty. Why hadn't my aunt been here recently? I started looking around and I found an old note sitting on the counter. I picked it up and opened the envelope.

I don't know when you will get this, I don't know if you will ever get this. If you ever come back and this place is in disarray, I'm sorry. I can't take care of this place anymore. I don't know where you are, you haven't been here in years but it's your place and I didn't want to get rid of it. I hope you come soon and get to see this place before it gets to run down. Be safe my lovely niece and if you come into town soon, come and see me.
Love, Aunt June-

I sighed and looked around. I opened some windows to air the place out and then walked back to the jet, Sam and Steve were standing outside the jet talking.

"Come on, it's clear." I said and walked back to the cabin ahead of them. Once we got back inside, I started taking the coverings off of the furniture.

"Pretty dingy." Steve said.

"Yeah, well my aunt got old and couldn't take care of it anymore and it was left on me to do but since I was on the fucking raft, I didn't have a chance to keep up on housekeeping." I said annoyed as I took some coverings and threw them in a closet.

"It's perfect Romy, thanks for thinking of this place." Sam said and I nodded.

"No problem. There is a bedroom with a bathroom down here and then 2 upstairs." I said.

"Did you have a room you always used?" Sam asked and I nodded and pointed up the stairs.

"Yeah, upstairs so you two works out the other room arrangements." I said and Steve looked at Sam.

"You pick, I have to leave." Steve said and I looked at him in shock.

"Leave? You were supposed to stay here!" I said confused.

"And I will be back, but I have my own thing to take care of." Steve said and went to walk out. I grabbed his arm, and he yanked it away from me, rounding on me to get in my face.

"Let me go Romy!" Steve said and I looked at Steve shook my head.

"Why the fuck did you even save me? You should have left me on the raft. Hell, I should just turn myself into Ross." I said go to walk out of the cabin. Steve rushed after me and grabbed me around my waist. He quickly pulled me to the side of the house on the wrap around porch and pinned me against the wall.

"I saved you because I needed you to be safe and you wouldn't have been there." Steve said close to my face.

"Yeah, well you are giving too many mixed signals and I think I would have rather taken the punishment from Ross then this emotional whiplash from you! I know things got fucked up but taking them out on me is not right! I did nothing to you Rogers." I said and he just looked at me. "I gave you a place to hide out and stay. I was the only one with a plan and yet you are being an ass about it. Why are you being an ass to me?!" I asked and he didn't answer me, and I groaned. I tried to shove him away from me, but he didn't budge. Damn super soldier.

"I don't know how to act around you anymore Romy. When I wanted to ask you out you were meek and small albeit strong willed and amazing. Now you seem different."

"Being on the raft will do that to a person. Makes them hard and breaks their spirit especially when no one believes they are innocent." I said and Steve just looked at me. "You don't believe I'm innocent, do you? You had time to think..." I said, Steve didn't make eye contact with me, and my eyes filled with tears.

"I never said I didn't just seems like so much against you." Steve said and I pulled my hand back and smacked him across the face.

"I'm innocent in all of this. I don't have a fucking mean bone in my body. Why don't you just go do whatever the fuck you need to do but don't come back here. I don't want you here." I said and he growled at me.

"I'll be back here Romy."

"No, I don't want you here." I said and Steve's eyes bore into mine.

"I have to make a stop and make sure things are set then I will be back and we will work something out from there."

"I. Don't. Want. You. Here." I punctuated. Steve gripped my chin and then before I could react, he was kissing me. This wasn't a sweet kiss like we had been sharing recently. This was forceful, rough and he was very much in command of the kiss. I let my body betray me and I moaned in the kiss. Before I could really have more time to react Steve was pulling away from me.

"Be back." Steve said and rushed off the porch then was gone before I had time to find my voice and react.

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