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Darian POV

"Are you serious?" I ask.

"Yes unfortunately I am." He says.

"We're moving again? Dad it's in the middle of the year." I groan.

"Yes well we don't really have much of a choice now do we Darian." He says putting things hastily away.

"No, I'm the one who doesn't have a choice. You know you could just let us stay or atleast do the move in the new year." I plead.

"Ri I can't. I've already been placed and we have two weeks to get there. Trust me it's going to be good for you. Now get some sleep, we're starting in the morning." He finishes sternly and I roll my eyes before leaving.

I flop onto my bed and close my eyes.


I whip my head up and look around my room but there's no one..

I get off my bed and head into my bathroom. I open the faucet and splash my face under the cold water before glancing in the mirror.


I whip my entire body around but there's no one there. I quickly leave my bathroom and lock the door.

I head downstairs and bump into my dad. I jump up in fright and he looks at me worried.

"What's wrong? Are you alright?" He asks.

"Y-yeah I'm fine." I say.

I wish I could tell him I think I'm going crazy but I decide against that. He has much more important things like his new job to think about.

He looks at me for a second before going up to his study. I reach the fridge and chug a water bottle.

I have got to get it together.




It's been a few weeks since we've moved to this new town.

And by new town I mean Charlotte, North Carolina.

My goodness.

"I can't believe you traded the quiet life for the fast one." I say putting down my water.

"I think it's a good change and the hustle and bustle cities bring in more clients." He says with a wink.

"Sureee." I say finishing my cereal and putting my bowl in the dishwasher.

"Don't be late, see you tonight." He says kissing my forehead.

We head out at the same time.

"You sure you don't want a ride? It's on the way." He says.

"Nah I want to get a look into the scenery." I say.

He double checks one last time before heading off to work.

I slap on my headphones and begin bobbing my head as I walked down the concrete path. To my left I saw a girl walking out of her house, and she looked angry.

She was yelling at whoever was behind the door.

I quickly diverted my eyes when she started going down her steps. I didn't wanna catch whatever she's throwing.

She walks right past me and slams her car door. I could hear her leaving and I shook my head.

None of my business, plus what are the chances?


Darian Valeyard And The Children Of The Three.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora