10. destiny.

7 0 0

Darian POV

"What the fuck?"

What does any of this even mean? The only God's I've made myself acquainted with where the ones from Greek Mythology, but this... It can't be real.


I continue to scour the books for anything else but the rest of the pages seemed to contain the stories of the previous Demi-gods.

Demi, Samuel, Morrigan.

To name a few, but-

Before I continue processing my thoughts I heard rumbling. I went under the table thinking it's an earthquake as it became louder and I was physically jumping under the table.

The doors burst open and more footsteps were heard.

"Where is she!?" I heard someone ask.

I arch my head and see Cordelia.

"Oh fuck me." I say softly.

"Split up, we have to find her. It's coming." Soon the continued to search when the wall came crashing down.

I came out from the table and stared at the giant monster thing that just broke the wall down.

"What the fuck is that?!" I yell.

We all turn as it's eyes lock onto me. I make a dash for door and it soon follows. It was a weird Spider scorpion thing.

"I FUCKING HATE ARACHNIDS!" I dive to the side as it crashes into the wall and I run back the way I came.

I bump straight into Finn who helps me up. We run downstairs and find the others hiding in the science lab.

"Okay what the hell is that thing?!" I whisper yell. "And how the hell did you know I was even here?" I ask staring at all of them.

"We don't have time for this!" The angry ginger said.

"Well make time because I am confused and that thing is real and coming after me!" I say

"We will talk after." Cordelia says attempting to touch my arm.

I step back and glance at them before remembering what Marcheline said.

"Is it because of this?" I say pointing to the book.


Darian Valeyard And The Children Of The Three.Where stories live. Discover now