18. direct lines.

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Darian POV

A few more other Gods and Goddesses have joined us at the Asylum only for a short stay. The God of Nymphs, Cypress came to ensure our border was strengthened and no other monster from the other side would attack.

He's one of Tellus's direct lines and very few of the virtues have that, Riot is from Andronika's line but she isn't aware of it.

Not all of the virtues are aware of their direct lines as I call it because I forgot the actual name but just another reason why they're extremely careless.

The Goddess of health and medicine, Bloom gave us with supplies that the remaining Nymphs would be able to use.

Ms A allowed me to use her name which is Yuna and Mr Xavier is Alix. The formalities aside I had bunked with Circe who had taken me under her wing.

She was intrigued by me and she was the only non-virtue that didn't have a child. I couldn't learn spellwork because she though I'd hex one of them but she did teach me a few offense spells.

Circe is a direct line of Anarchy but that doesn't make her a virtue.

-weeks later-

"Do you think I'll ever find out who my mom is?" I ask.

"Do you care?" She asks and I laugh.

"No, because no matter what I'm my father's daughter." I tell her.

"I don't admit this often but I'm actually surprised that you'be been able to accomplish what you have." She says.

"What do you mean?"

"You had the opportunity to turn on the others but you didn't. I mean with Cordelia's very clear issues you could've easily found Nikolai."

"But you haven't, you trained despite these stupid halflings, no offense. Who haven't even been picked by their parents but act like they're better then you. And then you educate yourself on top of that, you impress me Darian." She says putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Valeyard." I say.


"My name is Darian Valeyard." I say.

"Alright well you impress me Darian Valeyard but Riot will have your head if you're late so get out of here." She says nudging my shoulder.


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