2. tingle.

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Darian POV

Another antagonizing 10 minutes later I made it to the school, Carrboro High school. I made my way to the admin and the receptionist gave me a school tour.

She was very enthusiastic which I find surprising when you work with teenagers.

The bell rang and she held my shoulder as the students scattered into their classes. In the now empty halls we kept on going with the tour.

Her 3 inch heels clicking and clacking against the tiles.

I glanced at everything she showed me and the school was actually pretty neat. It's no Sagestone Academy but it'll do nicely.

"At our school we provide a variety of classes. We have wood work with Ms Park, our star students Rory and Ace make the most wonderful things.

I peeked inside and saw a wooden sword.

"Weapons included?" I ask with a smirk.

"If it's wood yes." She continues on her heels before taking me outside.

"We allow creativity as long as it's controlled." She said as a few kids picked up wooden bow and arrows. "The twins made those." She said and I glance at the two high giving each other.

She gestured to me and we went to a different building.

"Not to mention we offer aquatic sports. If you decide to join you'll have the fancy of swimming with the state champion Cordelia." She said as beautiful white girl got out.

Her silky brown hair dripping as she met with us.

"Morning Ms A." She says draping the towel over her shoulder.

"Morning, I was just showing this new student around, hopefully nudging her towards aquatics." She says but my mind is preoccupied with the water changing its current.

It moved in the opposite direction as they continued to speak.

I felt a hand on my shoulder as I looked back at Ms A who had a semi worried glance on her face.

"You okay?" She asks with a small smile.

I nod my head before turning to Cordelia and sticking my hand out.

"Darian." I say and she takes it.

I felt a tingle in my hand and I quickly release her hand.

"Well thank you, we'll be on our way." She says.

I look back at Cordelia before disappearing into the hallway with Ms A.

"So why do they call you that ma'am?" I ask.

"Oh no need for all that, Ms A is just fine and it's because my surname is Ms Applebottom." She says and I snort.

"I'm sorry." I say quickly shushing myself.

"It's okay darlin', I get it all the time." She said her southern accent peaking out.

"You're from the south?" I ask.

"Born and raised." She said proudly before clearing her throat. "But it's not my work voice."

"Don't know why you gotta change it, it's an authentic part of you." I say.

"Well thank you but rules are rules." She says.

She stops at a door and knocks before opening. I follow her as the class becomes quiet.

Jesus there's a lot of people here.

I place my headphones in my bag as she converses with the teacher. He looks at me with a nod.

Ms A leaves and I turn to start walking but the English teacher stops me.

He beckons me beside me before turning to the class.

Fuck, fuck, fuck he's gonna ask me to introduce myself.

"Class we have a new student, she'll introduce herself so quiet down."

He gestures to me and I take a deep breathe.

"Hello, my name is Darian and I'm from Tennessee." I finish off.

He nods and I walk to an empty chair.

"Please welcome her warmly." He says before continuing with the lesson.

We were learning about Emily Dickinson and her life or more so afterlife because of the time of her fame.



The class ended and we all left.

"Finn please stay." Sir said before I left.

I went to the cafeteria and ordered lunch before ditching the crowded area and finding a seating place outside.

I placed my headphone back on and vibed with my lunch.


Darian Valeyard And The Children Of The Three.Where stories live. Discover now