5. y'know who you are?

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Darian POV

After the weird day at school, I continued to venture around the new town.

I need to catch a break.

I went into the field going uphill. I continued until I saw a cliff.

"Y'know there's a no trespassing sign for a reason?" I turned and saw a boy.

"And yet there are two of us here." I say with a smirk.

"True, but we all know the saying. Rules were meant to be broken or some cringy bullshit like that don't we new girl?" He says coming closer.

"New girl? Really?" I say with an eye roll.

"I mean you are new in town aren't you?" He asks arching his brow.

"Alright you caught me, I am new." I say with a shrug.

"Nikolai, you?" He asks his dark curly blowing away. "You gonna keep staring or you gonna introduce yourself?" He says with a smirk.

"Whatever, it's Darian." I say.

He steps closer looking down.

"Well nice to meet you Darian." He says before moving back. "But what are you doing out here? They didn't tell you it's dangerous." He says.

"I don't know any they." I say folding my arms for warmth.

"Oh so you're new and lonely, what a shame." He says with a slight smile before covering my shoulders with his jacket.

Asshole, kind of.

"But because I'm so nice and generous I can invite you to hang out with my friends, if you're sure you can keep up?" He says with a devilish grin.

I give him my own right back.

"Of course I can, who do you take me for?" I say with a slight smirk.

"I'm still figuring that out." He says before going deeper in.

I follow him until we reach an empty campfire.

"You sure those friends of yours aren't imaginary?" I ask and we both hear a snort.

"Now she's funny." We turn and see an Asian girl soon pop out from behind a tree then another's following.

"Did I interrupt a game of hide n seek?" I ask.

They chuckle once again before approaching me.

"Who's the newbie?" The Asian asks.

"Ask her yourself."

She looks me up and down before raising her brow.

"Darian." I say.

"Nice to meet you Darian, I'm Marcheline. Marcy for short, that's Celestine, Mona, Marshall and Eros." She says pointing at each one of them.

"Eros? The Greek god of desire?" I ask raising my eyebrow at him.

"I didn't choose my name alright." He says with a playful eyeroll. "But Darian, your parents get confused?" He asked.

"Oh fuck you." I say playfully and her catches my drift.

"I like her." He says.

"Anyways our names are connected with our parents." Marcy says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

They share a glance before looking back at me.


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