27. Galen.

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Darian POV

"I turn to the map and read out the name.

"Lemmon, South Dakota." I say.

They all nod their heads before I open the scroll.

" Sume nos ad locum quem petimus et egenum."

I felt my feet land on gravel. I turn to the rest before looking at the surroundings.

"A dumpster alleyway?" Blaze asks recoiling at the stench.

"Okay what's the time?" Pierce asks.

"Why?" Cordelia asks.

"Why am I not surprised you don't know where we are." I say sarcastically. "This is a sundown town." I say and we all become silent.

"Okay it's still light out. So we have time." Finn says.

"But not enough and we can't stay out here for too long." I say looking at Valentina, Finn, Blaze and Pierce.

"We're the most noticeable, Cordelia is white and the rest of you guys can pass...kind of." I say.

"So what's the plan?"

"We can risk going out but someone keep time so the rest of us can hide until you either find Galen or the morning." I say fixing my satchel.

"I'll keep time." Rory says and we leave the alley.

We get a few eyes but we ignore them.

"What shops are on these streets?" Ace asks and we look.

"Coffee." Cordelia says.

"Library." Blaze says.

"Okay let's split and scour." I say and I head left with Levi, Blaze, Valentina and Finn.

We enter the book shop.

"What stuff did he like?" Finn asks.

"He oddly liked children's books because how stupidly positive they were." Levi says with a laugh.

"Let's check that section." Val says and we scour.

"Found it." Blaze says. "These 6 rows are full of children's books."

"Jesus." I say looking at how tall each of them are.

"We can probably find him or ask an exployee if there's a regular." Finn says.

"If we can find a way out of this maze." I say as Finn goes forward.

The rest of us spread and look through each of the columns. I bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry." I say before trying to walk away.

"I'm not the one who should be sorry, your time is running out." He said before walking out.


Darian Valeyard And The Children Of The Three.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon