44. moments.

14 1 0

Darian POV

The moment they left the room I burst into tears.

"Fuck." I say to myself as I take a seat on the bed.

The tears continue to fall before I felt a presence in front of me. I looked up and saw Nik standing in front of me.

I froze, I couldn't think as he made his way to me. I didn't think it was real, I didn't think he was real. I held him as he died in my arms, he couldn't be.

"Dee." He said and I shook my head.

"No it can't be, I-" I covered my mouth as more tears fell down my face.

"It's me-"

"No! I watched you! A-and I held your body as you died. You died, you can't do this to me. You can't be here." I say hesitantly reaching out to him.

He takes my hand and kisses it before pulling me close.

"Are you really here?" I ask and he nods.

I hold onto him tighter as more tears fall down my face.

"I love you Darian." He says before kissing me.

We kiss each other passionately before some footsteps were heard.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I say with a sigh.

He chuckles before wiping my tears.

"I'll be here waiting til you get back." He says.

We reluctantly separate and he holds my chin to press a light kiss on my lips before I leave the room.

"I had a feeling about you two." Eros said walking in step with me.

I just shake my head at him with a small smile.

"I mean when he came back the next day with a few hickies that he tried and failed miserably at hiding, I could only assume one person." He says.

"And almost every single time we hung out, he just wouldn't stop staring at you like a weirdo." Marcy adds popping out of nowhere.

"Oh my Gods can you stop." I say pushing them playfully.

They both put their arms around me before giving me a look.


"But thank you for not giving up on him or us even when we didn't give you a reason to." She says.

"You know I got your back. Always." I say holding up my fists.

They pound it before nodding behind me.

"Timers waiting for ya, see you later." She says before walking off.

I came up from behind him and gave him a big hug. He turned and hugged me back.

"I'm so proud of you." He said.

"Well it took you long enough, I had to take down allll those Gods." I say playfully.

"Had to give you your glory before I came in." He said.

"So what happened to them and what happens now?" I ask.

"Well I went back up there and got hold of Asha and Sephtis. It took them a while to fully regain power but they did and we locked the scared six up." He says.

"How long was I out?" I suddenly ask.

"Long enough for your boyfriend to wake up. We don't know how you did it though." He says playfully.

"Oh my Gods daaaad, stop." I say covering my face.

"I mean he is your boyfriend? Or do I need to talk to him?" He says.

"No no please, I still have a bone to pick with you about your whole Godly side but for now what's going to happen to the rest up there?" I ask.

"They will still perform their duties, but they won't be able to expedite their powers as loosely as they did before so they can't break out either." He explains.

"Now what?" I ask.

"Now you live." He says.

"What about you?" I ask.

"We have to go back up, now that we've all full awakened it's only a matter of time before the Earth falls out of balance." He says.

"You better come visit me." I say clutching his hand.

"You'll always have a piece of me with you." He says before kissing my forehead.

I could feel some weight on my head and I looked at him. I lift my hand and feel a crown on my head.

"Seems fitting doesn't it?" He says with a small smile.

"You're such a dork." I say.

"One last thing." He says before turning serious.

"WHERE IS MIRA'S DAUGHTER?" He yells shaking the entire Asylum grounds.


Darian Valeyard And The Children Of The Three.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora