11. the book.

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Darian POV

They look at the book before looking back at me.

"Later, we have to fight that thing." Ginger says.

"How?!" I ask.

"We'll handle that, Finn get her out of here." Cordelia says.

Finn grabs my arm and leads me back out the room. The scorpider reappears and comes our way before Marshall fucking knocks into it.

"Marshall?!" I ask.

"You're welcome." He says before his arms twists into something bigger and throws it outside.

"You know him?" Finn asks.

"He's a friend." I say.

Finn takes me and leads me out. Just as we hit the pavement, the monsters stinger dug into my side and threw me across the lot.

I could feel the venom spreading.

"You'll be okay, come on." I look up and saw Nikolai.

"Thanks." I say holding my bleeding side.

"Now we have to go." He says pulling me just as Finn appears.

"I agree with whoever this is, but you're coming with me." He says grabbing my other hand.

"We can't fucking leave everyone else!"

They begin a fucking tug of war as the monster approaches.

"Guys!" I yell but to no avail. They pull harder.

I glance around for anything when I notice Nik's hand. I maneuver my way out of the jacket and grab whatever the hell that thing is and grab the scorpider's face.

It struggles and attempts to use sting me again but I redirect the stinger to its skull until it pierces so deep a crack is heard and it falls to the ground.

It soon crumbles to dust and I pant as my side continues to burn. I drop as everyone approaches me.

"See I told you you were one of us." Marcheline says.

"Fuck you." I breathe out, my forehead on the ground.

She laughs as she crouches down to help me up.

"Get away from her, who even are you?" Cordelia says shoving Marcy.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I ask looking up.

"You don't even know who they are." She says point at Nik and his friends.

"I don't know who you are! You stare at me and make my body tingly and not in the way I like then you order me around and expect me to just come with you?" I ask.

"And we told her the truth." Nik says.

"You told her?" Cordelia and friends say.

"So it was about the book!" I say.

"Yeah your mom is-"

"-who are you?" Ginger asks again. "You know an awful lot and we don't know you."

"I don't need to explain myself to you." Nik scoff before offering his hand to me. "Let's go."

I almost reached out but Ginger grabbed my hand.

"Don't lie to her, if she wants to go then let her know who you really are and why you really need her." She said, her grip like steel.


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