8. before I get hurt?

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Darian POV

"Before I get hurt? Before I fucking get hurt!? Incase you haven't noticed I have a gigantic bruise on my arm, and I probably have more! My entire body is aching with this indescribable pain and the stupid voice isn't fucking helping! I already got fucking hurt and it was because I ran into you." I say tears falling from my face. "So unless you have some solution to make everything stop then don't bother coming by later."

"If I could I would do anything right now to make you feel better but I can't unless you see it for yourself." He says coming closer, he tries to put his hand on the side of my face but I flinched.

"It hurts." I tell him.

"I'm so fucking sorry Darian." He says as the garage opens.

He looked torn between staying and leaving but ultimately disappeared as my dad stepped in.

"Darian?" I turn to my dad and he instantly rushes to me.

He hugs me which sets my body on fire and I scream in agony.

"Darian what's going on?" He asks gently helping me drop onto the ground.

"Everything hurts. Help me!" I say the hot tears scorching my face as they fall down.

I continue to scream and cry before it all going black again.



The school.


You have to go to the school Darian, your pain will be relieved when you find the answers you seek.

My eyes open and I'm in the bathtub filled with cold water and some ice cubes. The heat from my body feels better and I grab a towel to dry myself.

I walk to my room and find my dad passed out on his bed. I quietly walk inside and see him clutching a picture of me.

I cover him with a blanket before going into my room to change.

I better find what I need at this fucking school.

I hesitantly look back at Nikolai's jacket and grab it before heading out. I made my way onto the grounds which made me uneasy.

"It's 11 fucking pm, why is it open?" I ask myself softly.

I keep my head down as I venture down the halls.

'What the fuck am I even looking for?'

I keep walking and wandering until I find myself in front of the library.

Can't be?

I try the door and it opens.

I walk inside and wander around.

"This shit is huge." I say looking at the levels.

I turn and hit my foot on a table, I glance down and look down at the book laid down. I peered at the other tables and they were empty.

Someone put this here.


Darian Valeyard And The Children Of The Three.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora