35. mother maybe.

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Darian POV

They converse for a few minutes before he looks at me. She nods her head and they approach me.

I hold my hand out and he gives me a big hug instead. I was taken aback but returned it anyways.

We rejoined the three and looked back at the map. The rest of the lights went out.

" Redite nos unde venimus , completum est in omnibus coelis nomen. "



We returned to the Asylum and the 2 went with their parents and explored while I made a beeline for the war room where I knew Circe would be.

"You're back! Alone..?" She asks but soon enough we both feel her and Circe stiffens.

She bows and I roll my eyes.

"No need Circe, I am forever in your debt for taking care of Darian." She says.

"She's very capable, I haven't done much." She said before excusing herself.

I shoot her daggers while she shrugs.

"I have a feeling you've been avoiding me." She said.

"That's an understatement. I have because I don't want to talk to you." I tell her.

Her gaze softens as she looks down at me.


"Why? Are you so fucking dense! It's because you left dad! You left me! They were all in their kids lives but you, 'died' and stayed that way. This quest changes nothing." I tell her.

"There are no apologies I could say that would ever make you forgive me-"

"-you're the Goddess of Justice not Forgiveness so no, you and water princess can leave me the hell alone." I say but she stops me from leaving.

"What did Mira's daughter do?" She asks her expression getting dark.

"What do you care!?" I ask.

"Because you're my daughter! You hate me but my love for you hasn't faltered and it never will. I was there! I wasn't allowed to, we both couldn't be there." She explains before gaining her composure. "But what did she do?"

"She almost killed me, when we had the hunt the flag tournament. She dragged me underwater." I say and I could see the anger rising.


Darian Valeyard And The Children Of The Three.Where stories live. Discover now