17. training.

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Darian POV

"That's Riot, she's the Goddess of martial arts and defense." Finn whispers.

"The only thing you'll be doing with me is sparring. Each lesson you'll pick a different weapon and you'll go against a different opponent. I'll guide you with what I can but it's to my knowledge that you've all been training?" She asks.

"Not all of us." Finn says gesturing to me.

"Oh right Circe informed me about the mystery goddess, don't worry you'll be with me." She says which reassures me.

I could tell Cordelia would have some fun tearing into me.

"And you already know about your parents weapons." She says moving aside as intricately designed destructive weapons were placed in front of us.

"If I don't know who my parent is what do I pick?" I ask.

Riot stands beside me.

"You guys would feel a certain pull to the one that belongs to your parents." She says but looking at all these different things I didn't feel anything.

"I don't feel anything." I say.

"That's okay. Take this staff, we'll start from there."

Training started a week ago and even thought Riot has been exceptionally kind, her training was no joke.

As she said each time we've been changing our weapons however with me she's been teaching me the baby steps.

I've been hearing snickers about me across the Asylum because I don't know my godly parent.

The offsprings of the virtues had their own table during breakfast, lunch and dinner. They even had their own part of the Asylum that was dedicated to their parents.

A library filled with everything documented on them, heirlooms, weapons etc that were left or gifted to them.

From my knowledge their Godly parents have been 'present' in their lives but ever since the coup it's been silence.

Usually they'd use their specific mode of communication to contact them like Finn had a flute that he would play and a tune would come in response to let him know she heard but now everything has changed.


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