24. moving in.

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Darian POV

"It's time to move your stuff into your room." Valentina squeals.

"You're gonna kill my ears." Cee says grabbing a few of my clothes.

"I'm gonna miss it here." I say.

"You were bunking with Circe?" Levi asks.

"Yes and she's cool as ice." I say.

"I bet she is, but I know there's things your mom left you." Rory said.

"Are you sure?" I ask and she looks away.

"I mean maybe, the door only opens when the child is there to open it so even if we wanted to we can't say for sure." Ace explains.

"Good to know, but I doubt there's anything." I say. "You guys have known about your divinity since birth. I fucking found out some weeks ago, so I doubt there's any treasures or heirlooms or any of that stupid shit in this fucking room." I say my emotions rising.

I place my hand on the knob and twist it. It opens and I take a step back. The others excitedly rush in while I don't enter.

I head outside and bask in the moonlight. And take a deep breath.

If I walk inside that room I accept her, that means I'll just accept everything she put me through, everything she put my dad through.

And I don't.

I sigh before summoning my spear. I turned and aimed it at her throat while she looked at me.

"You gonna kill me?" She asks.

"I would've done it already."

I put it down and size her up.

"Listen I-"

"I think I already mentioned I'm not a forgiving spirit. So sure we're teammates for this quest but I'm going to make it very clear that I don't like you and I don't give a shit about you."

"After this I'm fucking off and if I see you, it'll be the last time. You must really have your head far up your sadistic ass if you thought you could try kill me, taunt me then give a half assed apology and all would be well. You're sick." I say before stalking off to an even more secluded area.


Darian Valeyard And The Children Of The Three.Where stories live. Discover now