Chapter 7: Starting the Healing Process

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Catra woken up with the Sun, her alarm haven't even going off yet. This isn't as common, though it happened a few times. her worry for Adora waking her in the early hours. she was never able to sleep after she woke up so she just got ready for her day. Starting with a quick shower she changed into her work clothes and left her room. She had frozen in surprise, forgetting that she had a temporary roommate until seeing said roommate in the kitchen cooking breakfast in the dawn light.

She smiled gently leaning against the wall scanning her old friend. She felt the domesticity of the moment and chuckled softly, drawing the attention of Adora, who froze at the sound and turned. "o-oh! good morn-morning... I... uh was just trying to get breakfast re-..." Adora bent over slightly coughing into her hand turning away from her friend to hide the embarrassment. Catra moved forward worried for her friend, only to be waved away.

Adora straightened and huffed a breath, then started to cook again. "what can i do to help 'Dora?" "get pl-plates? i do-dont know where they are." Catra nodded and grabbed the plates putting them on the table. "i have work today Adora.. im sure you can handle a few hours hm? Glimmer and Bow will come over later today to check in on you, on my request. although knowing them they will come as soon as i leave." Catra chuckles softly serving herself while Adora did the same. "ok-okay.." the two ate in silence and then put their dishes away.

Catra headed to the door and grabbed her coat and slipping on her shoes. Adora followed and was standing awkwardly against the wall, feeling like she was going to fall over. "Remember, Glimmer and Bow will be coming over to check on you.. i know you probably dont need it but they are your friends and you know they will worry." Adora giggles softly at that and Catra smiled at that, happy to elicit some sort of laugh from her. "i'll see you after work adora. stay safe." Catra waved then she was gone. Adora froze slightly feeling small against the quiet apartment. She moved to the Living room and laid on the couch, curling up and trying to hide her head under the pillow.

The sound of Footsteps then the bark of a dog brought her to lift her head. "Did catra lock the door?" "if she did we have the key anyways. just open the damn door." "shhhh! what if Adora is sleeping!" "i highly doubt she is asleep. just open the door!" Adora chuckled softly at their arguments and got up towards the door. she froze when the door just swung open, and a white blur launched forward, knocking her down with a yelp. She laughs as the thing lick her and she hugs the dogs small body to her. "Swiftwind! your okay?!!!" Glimmer and Bow watched with a smile as Adora reunited with her dog.

"when you left, your parents didn't want him around so me and Glimmer took her in, she switched between our place and Catras, though Catra was adamant that Swiftwind stayed with her." Bow said softly chuckling when Adora wrestled with the dog to get up. "im sooo sorry Swiftwind! i forgot mom and dad wouldn't want you around! thank you so much for taking care of him guys!" she rushed forward and hugged them both tightly smiling when she felt them hug back. "its the least we could do Adora, we knew you loved him. he can stay with us for abit longer, until you get a better place.. or he can stay here."

"no no.. can he stay with you guys? theres not alot of pace here for a pup..though i would love him to be with me..." Adora said petting the pup gently. "of course! we will take great care of her, you know we will." the small group settled on the couch and started catching up more. when they saw Adora's head start dropping onto the couches arm, they smiled and Draped a blanket over her and leaving her to sleep peacefully while they cleaned up the place. Before long the couple crept out of the apartment, leaving the pup to protect Adora while she slept.

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