Chapter One: A New Coven Member

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----- April 20th, 2010 -----

I staired at the boy Ryan Jarrid, he'd been in a magically induced coma ever since Sammy had given him his Key. Araelia hadn't left her sons bed side since Sammy had granted her permission to be here; all of us doubted the Reincarnation would take and she was not so cruel to deprive a mother from the final moments with her effectively dying son. Judith kept on insisting that given time he would wake up to everyone, Nill'ia had been trying every non-magical remedy she could find to wake him. When I asked her why, well my sister told me it was for one simple fact, she didn't blame my ignorance given that I'd grown up as a Timor, to intervene magically once a Reincarnation had begun would be disastrous. In the case of Demonic Reincarnation it would create the Demon equivalent of Necromancer a Lyche, given that Petru constantly complained to me about how merely existing in that state was pure agony, well I didn't blame anyone for not trying.

Nill'ia was currently checking his vitals, as for why I was in the room, well it was true that we had allowed Araelia to be here, but she was still an Angel and we may be in a Cease Fire but we were still at war with her kind, so none of us trusted her to be in our school without an armed guard. It was just my shift right now. Suddenly, without any sign what-so-ever, Ryan woke up jolting up with startling speed. Nill'ia, having been a doctor for so long saw the sign on his face and instantly handed him a bag to throw up in, one which had bio-hazard symbols plastered all over it. With each gut wrench gag I saw the ginger hair he once had draining of its colour, as the last vestiges of what was once angelic were drained from his body. I couldn't help it, I staired with a grim fascination at the vomits colour, it wasn't as you would expect but rather a mix of rainbow colored liquid, as it left his body and landed in the bag however, I didn't hear liquid but rather the sound of shards of glass hitting each other. It wasn't a surprise to be sure, we were warned that anything Angelic in him would die and Angels did turn to stain glass when they died but it was still fascinating to watch. By the time he was finally done his hair had turned to the colour of coal and his eyes had the typical Persian red of all Ascended-Demons that were once human, and that's what he was now that not a single scrap of angelic power was left in him.

"What the fuck did I eat..." Ryan moaned rubbing his roar throat.

"Ryan Jarrid what have I told you about swearing!?" His mother said, momentarily angry before the sorrow set in once more.

"Mum... what are you doing here..." he paused remembering the events that had led him here. "The freak with the wings that stabbed me. I didn't dream it, okay how am I not dead and how did he have wings?"

"Kid," I begun to speak, "There is a lot I have to tell you."

"Mr. Hades please, if he must find out I lied to him I'd rather it come from me." Araelia spoke, swallowing this was a conversation she never wanted to have, let alone under these circumstances.

"Okay then, it'll have to wait though, he doesn't know the full details of his condition so..."

"Galen, I can handle things if they get dicey, you should go tell Samatha that he is awake."

I nodded and stepped out the room, closing the door behind me. King Rafael's Coven were still here, although now the King and Queen had joined us now, and they'd blocked off an enter room of the Staff build, although I couldn't tell you what they were using it for. Typically, it was used for large scale meetings, but we rarely used it, we didn't really have need too. All I know is that a cross realm communication crystal was brought in there along with dozens of boxes of paperwork. Even Sammy didn't know what was going on in the room. 

Most of the Roshna Coven were unremarkable as Demons went, Lucas still hated me mind you, given that he seemed to hate everyone however, I didn't let it bother me. As I passed that room, heading towards Sammy's office, I passed the one member of the Coven, other than the Fallen, who was out of the Ordinary, he currently stood guard over said room.

A Two-Faced Soul-The Daemon Rebirth #2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن