Chapter Sixteen: War's End

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"Now!" Came the voice of Calum.

Instantly we all took to the air, me taking the unconscious Danii with me. I had no clue what this plan was but I wasn't going to let her drown. I then heard it, we all heard it Irina's voice. Her hand hovering over the water around her she had been praying.

"Save us from all illness and the power of evil. Amen!" She yelled out finishing the prayer.

As the last letter left her lips a white light shot out from her hand, soon causing the enter pool of water around us to glow in a radiant white light for a moment. Her bleeding wing combined with the force of her Sanctified-Magic and the pure faith behind the words to create the most powerful kind of Holy Water. Known as Aquae Divinae as it requires Angel Blood, not tainted by the curse of the Fallen, to be created. The stuff was pure acid to anything born in the Underworld. The Nocticorn flew out the wings it was given through it's Key of the Familiar, to escape the water, the Eòlach leapt out the water, it's scales steaming where the blessed water clung to it, burning through it's scales and flesh with the force of lava. Just as it burst out the water, Geena used her Iciomancy to freeze the holy water, so when the Eòlach jump finished it landed on ice, with the ice being made from Aquae Divinae the thing may well have landed on a frying pan. 

We then touched down on the ice, as long as we didn't let our bare skin touch the Ice we'd be fine. Jacob came skidding towards his Familiar caring little for the burning of his own skin as he drew the Circle for a teleportation circle and sent the animal to safety. I saw it first, the Exorcism spell was close to killing Danii, her veins were glowing with the white light of the Sanctified-Magic. Placed her unconscious form next to Jacob who held his lover in his arms.

"Please my Lord," he asked the desperation in his voice clear. "None of my Coven have Apothasis, so we can't heal her of Sanctified-Magic... Please..." 

Apothasis was the Tainted version of Auroa. Where Auroa could heal any non-magical injury and any injury inflicted by Tainted-Magic, Apothasis healed any non-magical illness and most poisons, as well as wounds inflicted by Sanctified-Magic. Jasmine, as she had explained it, had the Holy-Core Of The Divine Breathe, this combined both Tainted and Sanctified Healing-magic meaning she could heal almost any injury.

"Why the hell should I help you? You are a traitor!" I growled, my Spirit of War and Demonic Rage growing.

"Please I'll call the rest of the Coven off, and we will submit to being arrested. Just please help her!" 

I nodded at Jasmine who instantly begun to Heal Danii, given the severity of the wounds it took almost all her magic to do so, her holding back only enough to heal one more person if needed, but Danii's hands regrew, although she was left with ugly scars in a perfect circle where they arms had been regrown.

"Weak! I knew Demons were weak!" Eve yelled out diving towards Jacob.

I stepped between the two expecting to take the blow, my Tainted-Blade raised ready for the strike, but her blow never landed. Instead she was blasted to one side by a spear of violet Magical Energy, Yuguchi having once more used Industria. She landed hard on the ground, her Clipeum shattering on impact with the ground. She let out a feral hiss, but she was now surrounded and alone. Every member of my Coven, save Angi and Jasmine. Jasmine had busied her self with healing Irina's wing, the only injury of ours that required immediate healing, although it took almost all of her remaining Nexus Energy to do so. While Angi currently fought a battle of wills to keep Mortis contained. Yuguchi and Irina also  aimed their weapons at her.

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