~{ Interlude: }~

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Running  down the hall the Vampire growled in frustration, none of these human or Magia posed a threat to him but the mercenary still hated being used like this. If it wasn't for the Demon blood Eve was providing for him he never would have agreed to be used like this by a lowly Exorcist who didn't even have loyalty to his own. The vampire smashed aside one of the humans in his way with such a force the man had to be dead on impact. As he approached the hall leading to the Vault the  Vampire drew his revolver, time to see if these new bullets worked like they were supposed to. He came to an almost dead stop and fired, the Custodies Veritas had only enough time to activate her Protection Spell before the round hit. Instead of impacting the Clipeum however it carried on, the shield didn't even break it simply stopped existing and the bullet impacted her hard, she fell to the floor, he didn't care if she was alive or dead, simply that the bullets worked. The vampire smirked as the second one charged at him screaming, moving out of the way with ease the vampire grabbed him and sunk his fangs deep, tearing the mans throat out as he did.

He instantly spat the blood on the floor, the iron taste of it almost burning his mouth, but the man was dead and that's what mattered. There were four guards left, who stared at him shocked that a vampire had managed to make it this far into their temple. 

"I have no idea how you got here vampire but your life ends here." a female operative spoke out aiming her sword at him.

The vampire laughed loudly like a mad man who has lost touch on all reality. "You think a pathetic human like you can kill me? You can certainly try my dear but many have tried and I still breathe." 

She charged at him at the comment, taking the taunt as a personal challenge, the blade ready to strike out, the Vampire moved out of the way with no effort at all, she was fighting with all her might, while the Vampire was treating this as a dance rather than a fight. He laughed again, he had to admit this was fun, more fun than he'd had in over a century. He reached out, her Clipeum's drop rate far too slow for his Alpha-vampire speed, he reached out, grabbed the woman's throat and with the same amount of effort he would put into shaking a hand, crushed he throat with such force the neck exploded outwards in a shower of bone and blood. The wicked green on his face could only be described as joy, sheer unfettered joy. He didn't even bother to aim at his next target, simply lifted his pistol up and compressed the trigger, sending another Exorcist to heaven.

Suddenly an alarm blared through the whole base, the other two one of them had sounded the alarm. He turned on them snarling with an animalistic rage. But before he could end their life, their head fell away from their body. 

"Fucking idiot." Growled the seventh in the room, his sword slick with human blood. "Father Steinovitch ordered me to stay hidden, I'm one of the few he has left in the ranks and I had to blow my cover for you."

The man was average height, his eyes were a deep hazel almost black in fact, while his snow white hair framed his Caucasian face. He hated the build of a typical hunter, one who specialized in duel wielding, although only one of them had any magic moving through it. He wore the uniform of a Custodies Veritas security Operative. On the outside it appeared to be paper white holy robes, which did little to hide the armor under them, around his neck where a priest would wear a papal collar he instead bore a collar displaying his rank, this was a pair of small silver lines stitched into the surface of the black collar. In his right hand he bore his Sanctified-Blade while in his left he bore a simple folded steel sword. 

The remaining security Operative, realizing that his commander had betrayed them, tried to run, to inform the others in the base about what was going on, however the Vampire would allow no such thing, he leveled his pistol on the man's head and let loose with two shots, exploding the guards head out in a shower of blood.

"Of you the people Father Steinovitch could have sent me, he sends me a fucking vampire who wouldn't know stealth if it bit him in his ass." The guard growled inputting the code to the vault. He then turned to the vampire. "Orpheus of the Twilight Clan you have permission to enter the vault."

The pair then stepped into the vault, sitting on a alter at its center was a blade. Not just any blade however, this was a Great-Heavenly-Blade, one of seven entrusted to the Custodies Veritas to protect, and use if someone in their ranks had the power to do so. It's blade had the same appearance of any Heavenly-blade, so to did the angel wing hilt. The Pommel that marked it out as what kind it was, for cast in sliver compass design. This weapon known as God's-Flight was of the so called 'Travel' type meaning that it's wielder was able to use teleportation magic typically beyond their kin. The guard took God's-Flight into his hand, dropping his own Sanctified-Blade to the floor. He swung the weapon out, as if he was striking with it, and as if he were unzipping reality itself a portal opened up in front of them.

"After you vampire." He growled angrily and the pair stepped through it.


The pair appeared in Steinovitch's lab, and the portal snapped shut behind them.  The Exorcist shot the vampire a look of pure distain. If you could see emotions then right now the room would be red with his anger. 

"Well my cover was fucking blown thanks to your leech father Steinovitch."

"No matter my child, it was going to happen sooner or later, and the leech is not mine although he is a very useful tool." Steinovitch replied not looking up from his current experiment.

"Good you are all here," Eve spoke walking into the room, her face literally stained with tears at this point.

 Instantly the Operative bowed before her, he didn't care that she was Fallen, all he could see was an Angel before him and the manifestations of his God was almost too much to bare. Eve paid it no mind, simply walked over and seizing the blade from him. "This will work perfectly, before we can move forward however, we must have the Nexus crystal."

"Then Lady war, should we not attack now while the school is relatively unguarded?" Orpheus asked looking up at her.

"No, for this to work as we needed it too the bitch and her brood need to be at the school for now we wait. But I assure when the time comes we will have demonic support so their guards shouldn't be too much issue."

A Two-Faced Soul-The Daemon Rebirth #2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz