Chapter Twelve: The Peacock and His Hens; Part 3

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Me, Cassi and Celestia landed on top the the enemy base, we knew that the Right hand was on the other side of the arena, after all Dwane just got taken out, and right now we had only Ranger up hear, their two Warrior's followed us up here. Not exactly what we had intended but at least it would be a fair fight I guess.

"I must commend you out of all the Coven's we have faced, you are the first to actually take out my wife, you are well trained." Shariq replied looking at us. "It is a testament to your training, however you can't beat me."

Upon the last comment the two Warrior's and his last remaining Ranger flew past us, standing by their Commander's side.  They aimed their bows at us, all three of them still had to have almost full Pale's so it seemed odd that they weren't using their magic, I didn't question it much though. All we had to do was get Shariq out of his circle then we could win this. Our tactic of me hiding Sammy using Anwir was well known at this point. Although this was the first time the Protector had been discovered. But the man could know she is invisible some where near by, it doesn't help him any at finding her. My Pale was running low, so I couldn't afford to reactive my Protection Spells if they broke right now so I would probably be the main target. He lifted his hand and sent out a blast of fire directly at Jasmine. 

Our healer, they were targeting our Healer, of course they were. I jumped in the way, shunting my Sanctified Spell to the fore front and took the blast head on. It was strong, Arch level even, and with what little strength my Clipeum had left it shattered in a heart beat. But that didn't matter. Instantly the three archers let loose, I brought my shield up just in time to shield myself. 

+++Vespar, Familiar of the Serphina Coven, eliminated through Knock-out+++

"I will give you the offer one last time, you have all fought valiantly, now please Capitulate so I don't have to embarrass you all." Shariq offered one last time.

Our response, well it was to quickly nod at one another, as one me, Cassi and Celestia lifted our hands and begun to rapid fire Soullites at the cocky arrogant prick. Instantly his two Warrior's stepped in front of him shielding him with their own Clipeum's which soon shattered under the barrage. I growled in frustration and ran at the two women, I leapt into the air and knocked one out with the corner of my shield while doing the same to the other with a hard kick to the face. Shariq then as if I was noting turned his wing on me and batted me out the air with ease. I landed hard at Jasmine's feet, I now had a broken nose and a black eye but I didn't care. I growled a little, but Jasmine knelt down by me and used her Divine Breathe to heal me.

"Thanks." I mumbled. 

It was now just him, his daughter where ever the hell she was and his Ranger. The woman measured me coldly, measured all of us coldly trying to assess which one of us was the threat no doubt.  With a whip crack speed Celestia charged forward next, channeling all her Vanguard given speed, her blade drawn, she expected to land a hit on Shariq's Clipeum. Instead however his arm fell away from his body, falling to the floor it turned to a pile of ash before us, he didn't even scream. She knew of his Phoenix blood and thus of his healing abilities but to witness it first had put her in a state of shock that she hadn't realized she'd stopped her run with the Ranger withing the range of her Clipeum, so when it reactivated the woman was trapped inside with her. Before she could react the woman put her hand to Celestia's chest, with a single hit she was instantly out, although her Death-Magic may be Arch level, thanks to it becoming her Ancestral-Magic and thus wasn't affected by the Key, the rest of her was only Angel level, so although it took a few seconds she was still stunned from a single Soullite, truth be told most of our Coven would have been were it not for Protection-Magic's, only myself, Cassi, Judith and Sammy were powerful enough to survive more than a single one without loosing consciousness, it was just good practice to use multiple. 

+++Celestia, Vanguard of the Serphina Coven, eliminated through Knock-out+++

As the announcement came out the burning fire around his arm begun to do it's work, at first smoke gathered in the shape of his bones, that smoke then caught fire and once the fire had dissipated there was bone structure there, this happened a few more times before his enter arm had completely healed as if there was never an injury to begin with.

"I must say I'm surprised, to almost entirely take my Coven out is an impressive feat in of itself."

.....He's stalling..... Came Cassi's voice in my head, well not so much her voice, truth be told it was her emotions telling me that, but we were so entuned empathically with each other at this point it may as well been her voice. I had no clue why he was stalling but we'd take full advantage of it if we could. Cassi was next, she quickly dived to the side as the Ranger tracked her, thinking her the threat, but she wasn't, not in the slightest. As Cassi moved, taking arrow after arrow, I ran, taking a running jump and leapt over Shariq, with a hard drop kick I cracked open the Ranger's Clipeum's, both of them with a single kick I might add showing you how much effort I put into the attack, and still had enough force to knock her to the floor. I landed, with only just enough left in my Pale to keep me in the game, but if I used one ounce of magic, including the tinny bit it would require for me to drain her, I'd be out instantly. Didn't matter if it got refilled half a second later, the moment our Pale was empty we were out. Before the Ranger could react however Cassi dived at her finishing her with a well timed punch and knocking her out the match.  Shariq gave a burdened sigh then fired another blast of flames towards Jasmine.  Her Clipeum went down on it, and she had to take to the air to avoid getting roasted.

"I tire of this Game Lady Vandale. Come out! None of you can beat me, I heal so fast that I don't even bother with protection Magic." he growled angrily.

Jasmine smirked at the comment, and fired off a Soullite, if it hit true he would be out of the match and from there it would be an easy victory. It didn't though as the moment it went to land he moved out of it's path with inhuman speed, he had a Vanguard Key this complicated things. All our Vanguards were out, which meant none of us had the speed to beat him one on one, and any ranged attack we could throw at him the man would just dodge. We could still win this we just had to pick our battle very carefully, withdraw for now. We still had most our Familiars and although them being still around couldn't stop us from loosing, they could mean victory.

"It's done father," His young daughter replied touching down by his side. 

"Good I no longer have to fool about with this then."

 Shariq then stepped out of his circle and touched a Tran-scribed spell, located just outside his Beginner circle, one on every side but never covering the circle itself, four Barrier Spells came into existence, keeping us trapped just out of reach of it. Not only that but they were Absolution Barrier Spells, the impact of which broke Anwir's Illusion-Magic, revealing Sammy hovering just off to our left. Trapped in the Barrier's we couldn't do anything as Shariq flew into the air and landed in our Beginners circle and he won the match.

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