~{ Interlude: } ~

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Inside what could only be described as a prison cell the Exorcist waited, still beaten but just as resolute, the Fallen had healed her ankles to make it easier to drag her around but little else. The walls were sterile, almost hospital like in their look, the smell of disinfectant even hung heavy in the air. The cell itself was made of glass, glass with magical runes etched all over its surface, pulsating as they did, the distinctive runes of a Absolution spell for anyone who could read them. Just outside the cell door was a Gargoyle, the Barrier Spell making sure that even if she were to somehow break out of the glass, she would never escape it.

Wither it was days or weeks that she was trapped in that cell the Exorcist couldn't tell. The only judge of time she had was the changing of the guards, and that was so infrequent that she couldn't decern any real pattern from it. After a while. One of the cultists came down to her cell and wordlessly opened her cell door. Her hands still cuffed she couldn't do much, but she didn't care. The Exorcist knew that escape was the only option.

 She charged at the cultist, hitting him hard in the chest with her shoulder, she would have screamed out in rage, but the gag stopped her, driving her foot down she broke the cultists neck, she didn't like killing, especially a human, in her mind all life was sacred. But if it was kill, or meet a fate worse than death, then she was fighting with everything she had. The Cultist however, even though his neck was broken, he could barely breathe, what little breathes he could get coming out in rasps. The man stood up, clearly dying from the injury and yet it didn't phase him, one bit. His cohort proceeded to punch her in the back of the head, dazing her enough to allow them to drag her along the long, almost surgical hallway. She soon blacked out from the blow to her head, despite the fight she had to stay awake.


When she finally came too, she found herself in the church in Suredale. She shot Eve a venomous look, it was obvious that Eve was the master mind behind her abduction.

"Now my dear, given what is about to happen I believe you have the right to know. These will be your last moments. I plan on using you to bring back one of our dead. So, know that your death will server a greater prepose." Eve spoke to her plainly before looking at her underlings.

With a nod they begun the so called Dark Ritual, she hadn't called it that but let the humans call it whatever they damned well please so long as they helped her. She hated them, but they were useful tools and knew that they were much easier to control when done through the guises of some religious ceremony. Five of the cultists proceeded to grab the Exorcist, they hoisted her up, dragging her over to where the churches alter once sat. Now in it's place was a massive cross, suspended upside down, much in the way Saint Peter had demanded to be crucified. Once they had her in place they bound her to it, her head facing the floor, using chains, tying them tight enough to cause her to wince in pain. If she felt fear the Exorcist didn't show it, Eve had to give her credit for that.

She herself proceeded to walk up to the baptismal font, next to it was a small table with the tools she'd need for this spell, and chained to it's base was Simon.

"Please my parents they are rich they will pay you anything just let me go." He begged but Eve ignored him, picking up a crude knife from the tray, not anything elegant or well designed.

But it was sharp and that was what she needed. With one hand, she picked Simon up by his hair, almost tearing it from his head as she did, and she proceeded to slit his throat. She held him there as he gargled out his last dying breathes. Soon a Reaper appeared, Eve didn't particular care to remember all the different types, she did know that this kind was mentioned in Myan lore and was responsible for collecting humans of ritual sacrifice. But she cared not, she had prepared for this, she needed both the boy's blood and the Reaper for this to work. Adam, being quick about it as this had all been timed to the letter, snuck up behind it and wrapped around its neck a chain, mounted on that chain was a Philosophers stone.

It cursed at them in its native tongue to which Eve simply replied, "I do not understand you, nor do I care too. I merely have need of your Soul Transmuter, had it over and you may go unharmed."

The Reaper, having already separated Simons' soul from his body, had one duty and that duty was to transport the soul to the afterlife, so with angered compliance the Reaper handed it over. Before disappearing into one of its portals to escort Simon. Eve placed the axe shaped Transmuter upon the table and proceed to move to the next thing she had on the tray. She placed the tail hair from the Griffin into the blood, it floated in the pool, the white slowly turning red with the blood, once the hair had completely turned crimsons, she added the ashes, the blood begun to glow, casting a deep crimson light over the enter chamber, Eve then held the Pearl  a few inches above it and let go but instead of falling into the blood it floated in the air just above font. Now the Odisia was completed, if Eve was to run her hand along the runes carved into the edge of it, and place someone standing to the North of the Font then their soul would be stripped. But she wasn't going to use it for that function, at least not right now.

"Azaphal dearest, soon you shall return," She spoke taking up a bag with the seal of the Custodies Veritas on it, inside the bag was the glass which made up the remains of a Fallen Angel. They had the appearance of black and white glass. She emptied them into the blood.

The blood started to bubble as if it were boiling but there was no heat to it. An Odisia not only stripped souls, but given the right ingredients, runes and incantations could also be used to create Shards. It wasn't the typical way to create one, but it was one way it could be done. How the process had been discovered she couldn't find out but that didn't matter to Eve, she needed the Shard, in fact ingredients wise there was only two differences between an Odisia and the spell to make a Shard. The first; adding at least some of the remains of the person who's Shard you wish to make, the second additional ingredient, well that was much harder to come by, especially now. The blood of a High-Dragon. She had it, but it was so hard to come by that she only had one shot at this. 

"Sorry to interrupt my goddess, I know how important this is, but I thought you should know, we have intruders. It's a coven of Demons and the Necromancer." A cults yelled running into church instantly prostrating himself before her.

"Damn it I knew the undead fucker couldn't be trusted." Adam hissed angrily grabbing his Sanctified-Blade. "You ten with me, the rest of you stay with your goddess we must make sure this process isn't interrupted." He growled running with them to the outside.

A Two-Faced Soul-The Daemon Rebirth #2Where stories live. Discover now