~ { Interlude: The Peacock And His Hens} ~

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The young girl took a deep breathe in, she didn't want to disappoint her father her first tournament and if they lost because of her she'd hate it. The young Shariq heiress then held out her hand and uttered the words; "Creator's Judgment." 

She cast the spell and kept it going until her Pale was practically empty just as she'd been told, the full frontal assault was bold, but her mother was a tactical master mind, and had said they'd leave at least one guard to protect their Leader. So that should draw them away, she opened up her wings and took to the air landing on the roof of the Serphina Coven base, the plan really had worked. Their leader was standing there in the circle on her own, unguarded. Moving as quietly as she could she moved up to their leader, and placed her hand on Sam's shoulder.

"Aura Drain myself." the young heiress replied. The spell worked its magic and drained her target's pale completely and refilled her own.  

+++Angi Hades, Warrior of the Serphina Coven, eliminated through Drained Pale+++

That couldn't be right, she had tagged their lead. She then heard a small meow and saw a black cat appear before her, meowing loudly. Then the image before her disappeared briefly before the boy was teleported away. The other Cat-sith, she'd forgotten about the other Cat-Sith's! Mealladh looked up at her, and the heiress could have sworn the thing had a cheeky grin on it's face. She let out a curse and looked around, that had to mean, she quickly tapped the Tran-scripted spell on her chest armor, you could 'Tran-scribe' any spell, to do so meant that the spells runes, which even spells that didn't require them to use still had them.  How a Tran-scribed Spell worked depended on the type of magic. For example, if a Blood-Magic spell was Tran-scribed, such as the spell the Serphina Coven had been using to summon their familiars, it created a single use spell that didn't require magical energy to activate, mere the application of fresh blood, and could be done simply be using magic to draw the runes in blood without the intent of using the spell there and then. 

In the Case of any other kind of magic however it in fact it was very different. To Tran-scribe a spell in the first place you  could use a Nexus Crystal, once done it turned the object into a Magical Artifact with the ability to use that spell. Otherwise you could do the same as with Blood-Magic, but rather than drawing the runes in blood you create them on the object using magic, in the case of Blood-Magic the most you could create would be an Angel level Spell. With any other kind of magic you could create a spell of up to a Divine level, but the disadvantage being that it took magical energy to activate spells.

When the Chronomancy spell activated it defended her like it was meant to, her armor now had a skin tight Absolution Spell covering her enter body. With an Absolution spell that close to her skin she wouldn't be able to use her own magic, but it was better than being knocked out through Chronomancy.

"Nice idea, so I guess we do this the old fashion way then." Dwane spoke drawing his Tainted-Blade.

She did the same and charged at him with her own Tainted-blade, her second Key was that of the Vanguard. So she begun to fight him, easily keeping pace. Her mother had insisted she practice her sword skills from a young age. The two were clashing swords so quickly that no one other than them could see, she clashed blades the sparks flying in all directions.  The pair kept fighting, kept clashing, and as soon as she had her opening she leapt back and dropped the Barrier Spell. 

"Creator's judgment," She called out, the spell activated and she was sure she got him. 

Dwane however had already used his speed to move out the way before she had even ignited the spell hit. He knew however that Tran-scripted spells were single use only, so he quickly used his Chronomancy to freeze her for a moment, with the amount of Nexus Energy he had left after their fight, wouldn't have enough power left to keep her frozen for the rest of the game, but it did give him time to shatter her Clipeum. As soon as she unfroze she turned on him driving her blade around, he barely blocked it before leaping back. Like any Vanguard his drop rate was less than a second so the strike did end up hitting it instead. The force and speed behind the blow did bring it down to half of it's remaining strength however.  

"You're good I'll give you that, but you didn't neutralize the biggest threat here first. Mealladh buddy, I know I'm not Cassi but could you give me a hand?" 

Mealladh meowed, then got back to grooming himself, and suddenly there were eight copies of Dwane all standing there. The young Heiress never took her eyes off the real Dwane though, so she didn't fall for it, charging at him screaming with rage. He leapt up into the air opening his wings, he couldn't use his speed any more, if he did he'd drain his Pale way to quickly. He'd already drained it al lot by the amount of Magic he had used this game, combine that with the current duel he was already running low, and Vanguard's drained their Pale's very quickly when separated from the outside world by an Absolution Spell. It wasn't that they drained it more quickly, but rather  Key's, when not cut off from the Nexus field, instead used the feild itself to power the trait being enhanced by the Key. Without access to that field the magic instead had to be drained from Demons Pale. Without access to the outside world they burned through it quickly, especially Vanguards.   She quickly sent a Soullite at stunning her and getting him out of the game.

+++Mealladh , Familiar of the Serphina Coven, eliminated through Knock-out+++

"I wasn't talking about the Cat-sith." Dwane replied with a little smirk. "For the record you should always check your surrounding." 

He gave a very loud whistle, and emerging from one of the castle towers, Jackson's Wyvern came out roaring as it did, and swatted her away with it's tail, her Clipeum shattered with the impact and she was thrown off her feet. She growled angrily and flew into the air. She turned on him at the last second and fired off several Soullites each one striking home and soon Dwane was out the match too. 

+++Dwane Coldblood, Vanguard of the Serphina Coven, eliminated through Knock-out +++

 Now all she needed to do was keep the damned Wyvern busy long enough for her father to finish this, or at least keep it occupied long enough to execute her father's plan. She had no clue why he wanted her to do the rest of it like this but she wasn't one to question him.

A Two-Faced Soul-The Daemon Rebirth #2Where stories live. Discover now