Chapter Ten: The Peacock and His Hens; Part 2

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We moved along the desert with them, us moving in complete silence. I heard it before any of us saw it, on instinct I rounded on the target, lifting my shield, as I hadn't reactivated my my Protection-Spells to save on magic, as I did I easily smashed the incoming arrow away. I grunted a little, Sophia instantly standing behind me and notching her own bow, while Angi covered her back. A second and third arrow came flying out way, in quick succession, not so quick that it couldn't have come from more than one person mind you. The first shot over our heads, a poor shot by any accounts, the second impacted my shield. I scanned the horizon, I could see four women. I let out a sigh of frustration, and cracked my neck. Shariq clearly had the same thought process as Sammy when it came to getting food.

"I make out four," I said lowly, trying to make a plan, but it was hard under fire, especially when my eye sight although not the worst wasn't the best either.

As if to answer my question another three hours flew our way, instantly telling me what we were dealing with, or at least three of them. As they had Tainted-Bows it meant they had be be able to carry them, so given those who he had left out of his ranks for the sake of fairness, it narrowed down who we were dealing with but not by much.

"Who ever they are they can't aim worth a damn, after that first shot everyone of them has been off target." Sophia spoke with an almost mocking tone,

I agreed at first, then it occupied to me, as yet another series of volley's flew over our head and landed directly in front of Angi. Dread filled my heart as a fifth and sixth volley landed in exactly the same spot, creating a small forest of arrows embedded in the sand, it was a dirty tactic to use in a tournament style match, but we often used it on a battle feild.

"Pígaine sta ereípia tóra!" I spoke out not even registering what I said, they looked at me confused. So I repeated myself. "Go to the ruins now!"

As I had spoke another half dozen arrows must have landed behind us. They took off running but I held my precision for a moment to make sure they got away cleanly, I left it a second to late mind you, as moments later they activated the Attraction Spell, as they did the rune on the end of each arrow glowed before every single arrow was pulled back to the quiver at once, now rather than facing a single shot, I now faced a wall of arrows flying in my direction. Many a foe had been shredded by such a tactic in the Great-War. I managed to jump out the way of most of them but one of the arrows landed in me leg, biting hard. I screamed out in pain falling hard into the sand.

"I'm fine boy, but I could use a smoke screen." Anwir obeyed without question and suddenly their was a thick cloud of smoke between me and my attackers.

I pushed myself to my feet and took to running, using my Pale to suppress the pain just until I was in cover. When I arrived to the pair Angi helped me to walk inside and we moved into the runes. Anwir, without even having to be told so, created the illusion that the entry was clasped in. It wouldn't last long but it bought us some time.

"Kane's flight, dirty tactic I wish that shit was band in matches." Sophia growled annoyed.

At that point I stopped repressing the pain, needing to save as much Nexus Energy  as I could. The runes were pitch black, so dark that even with our night vision we couldn't see a damned thing. Sophia had prepared for that mind you by bringing a lantern with her, although it was oil, electric or anything like that which powered it. But rather it was a small terrarium full of Underworld plants, it didn't put much light out that was true, but with our demonic vision it was more than enough light to shine our way, not to mention we could easily fill it full of useful plants. For tournament matches mind you we could only carry Terrarium's full of medicinal plants rather than edible ones.

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