Chapter Five: Aftermath

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We stood, weapons drawn and ready, each of us ready to strike down the Exorcist if the order was given. She bowed her head in respect before Sammy, if she was scared she didn't show it. Before speaking calmly and with no hit of aggression to it. 

"Forgive me for the misunderstanding, I am no longer a member of the Custodies Veritas, I was Excommunicated, I wear the uniform simply as it's the only life I have ever known." She didn't raise from her bow, simply awaiting her fate.

"Very well, stand down everyone," Sam ordered and we all obeyed, lowering our weapons. "But that doesn't fully answer the question why are you here Miss?"

"Jasmine Godspal." she replied before raising her head to look at us. "And to answer the first question, for a long time I was known as a Living Saint, until my excommunication. However, a few years ago I was reassigned to the Order of Balance - Custodies Veritas combined arms squadron, as such I also joined the Custodies Veritas. When I was Excommunicated... it put both sides in a shall we say tricky political position. In fact my Excommunication was the only way they could see to avoid war so I came here seeking asylum."

"I will not grant it," Petru growled a tone of venom dripping from every word. "Go to one of your damned Sanctums order bitch. I only serve your Order so my kind will not be wiped out, I will not protect one of you!"

"With all due disrespect Petru, I did not come here for you. We did not want you involved were I not captured by that damned Vampire, you wouldn't have come. I came to seek protection from the Grey, and we could have asked our members in your ranks Lady Vandale, however, none of them are heads of a Coven, and there fore I could only ever hold the rank of Servant and given the reason behind my Excommunication I need to be a full fledge member of a Coven, and all the protections that come with it."

"I see," Samantha paused contemplating what to do next. "I will grant you asylum if it doesn't put my Coven at too much risk so I must know, Living Saints are seen as the Divine manifestation of the Christian God himself so what on Earth would make them Excommunicate you?" 

As Sam finished her sentence she discretely placed her hand on her weapon, I could see the inner battle in her head. We didn't know much about the Order of Balance, we just knew that they had agents in every fraction, to what end or who they were we couldn't tell you. They were probably the most secretive fraction in the world. But on the same hand, if this Jasmine's Crimes were so bad the Custodies Veritas saw fit to Excommunicate her, she wouldn't hesitate to execute the girl for it.

"I have a rare gift, at first I thought it was the Blessed Touch," This was the Holy-core which allowed Humans, to heal wounds inflicted by non-magical means and by Tainted-Magic and cure most illnesses with a single touch even if they weren't Magia. "However, after I met the Order Unit in the Custodies Veritas it was learned I could heal wounds Inflicted by Sanctified-Magic too, the Order unit kept it a secret until it was revealed to the Grand-Master's by means we are not aware of. They wanted to and I quote Grand-Master Dionysus directly here 'Burn the witch and be done with it.' However, the head of the Order Of Balance pointed out if they did that then the Order would remove their support and over night the Custodies Veritas would loose the entirety of their intelligence network."

Samantha nodded, we'd all put the pieces together at this point, but she wanted to clarifiy, someone who could heal any kind of injury like that, every side would be clambering for that kind of power, so the girl needed someone to protect her, a lot of someone's in fact. It was the same reason we tired to bring Nephilim to the school, not only were the Grey's numbers by far the least affect by the war, although that's not to say we hadn't suffered losses, but the school was considered neutral ground and to attack it would incur the wrath of every side in this war on your door step.

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