~ { Interlude: } ~

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It was now several hours after the match had ended Danii was still furious. She shared the view of her Uncle, although not to the same extremist views. In her mind Reincarnation was a blasphemy that shouldn't even be allowed to happen, let alone the Ascended to be given rank and title. She had tolerated the half-breeds, and even the Timor at her school, they were teachers. The rightful place of all non-pure blood Demons; to serve those of pure blood. But to be beaten by a Coven made up of mostly non-Pure bloods. It brought a hatred to her gut that she thought she would never know. She walked through the food stands of the arena, as she had done for the last several hours, just muttering in anger to herself. What put her in an even more foul mood was those in the place. Most of them were at least members of the Grey that was true. But a handful of them were Fallen and she could have sworn she even saw a couple of Angels and Werewolves spread through the ranks. She shook her head, it taking everything she had not to lose her mind at the fact.

"Young miss." Said a figure stepping in her way. "Can I please speak to you?"

She couldn't see much of her, given that her face was covered by a hood. No not a hood, if it were a hood her Demon eyes would be able to make out the face even covered by the darkness such garb. This person, female by the sound of her voice, was using a very powerful spell to hide her identity. In fact Danii couldn't decern anything about her, other than the fact she was female, even that was only because of the fact the cloak didn't hide her figure. 

"What the hell do you want? Don't you know who the fuck I am?" She snapped resisting the erg to ignite a Volpura, she didn't want the guards brought down on her head.

"I am the mother of a humble fan, my son track's the young Coven's through the sports pages you see. " She replied bowing her hooded face in respect.

"That's nice, but I fail to see what that has to do with you being in my damned way." 

"I am here with my son and he would love to meet his hero, he want's to be like you one days and thinks you should have won that match." 

Danii took three deep breathes in to calm herself, she was a member of a High-Dynasty, they were to be the exemplars of society and if she played her cards right her Uncle Prince Levithan would name her to be his heir one days, so it was a good idea to make a relationship with her future citizens. 

"My apologies for my rudeness, my loss has me feeling very bitter. However, it would be my pleasure to meet a fan." 

The woman lead her to one of the private viewing booths they had in the arena. Once the door was closed, there was no boy. Instead, a man stood in the chamber. He stood almost eight feet tall. Covered head to toe in a full suite of armour which had the appearance of turquois dragon scales, they didn't appear to be metal, but rather had a wet organic look to them, the helmet was almost as if it were in itself a dragon head, and his leathery wings were organic in nature. Somehow, the armor turned the wearer into a dragon...and it felt so wrong, so very, very wrong.

"Mortis," she snapped angrily. "Why contact me through this subterfuge! You could have just approached me like a normal person!"  

"Because girl with the Game of rite in season security is tight, and I needed to talk to you without prying eyes." The dragon armoured man spoke, as he spoke it seemed as though two voice spoke at once.

"Very well, what is it you bloody need?" She hissed angrily.

"I thank you for allowing my contact access to your school it was very helpful, however I will need those services again."

"Fine, just like last time when you are ready have them meet me at the southern gate." Danii growled. "I won't do it for free this time however, if I understand what you are trying to do, then when the time comes I want the Hades throne!" 

"Very well you shall have it, but that would require you to take a more active part in our alliance." The dragon armored figure responded coldly.

"When needed call on me and my Coven will fight at your side." Danii responded before leaving the room.

"Can we trust her to keep this in her confidence?" the hooded figure asked.

"Indeed, if it weren't for her that fool of a lover of yours never would have had access to the school in the first place my Lady War."

"Be carful of how you speak of Adam!" Eve growled pulling out her Heavenly-Blade. "I loved him with all my heart and he died ensuring that our plans succeeded."

"My apologies, I meant no disrespect. If phase two is to succeed you and that alchemist will have to attack the school directly, we need the Nexus Crystal in it's well."

"Of that I am fully aware Mortis, need I remind you that your place is not as one of the Riders but to serve us!"

"I shall humble myself of course, now you best leave before you are discovered." He replied leaving the room.

A Two-Faced Soul-The Daemon Rebirth #2Where stories live. Discover now