Chapter Four: The Rescue

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Eve paid the fighting no mind, what she was doing was far more important, if this worked it would complete not only her goals but help with that of her benefactor. With a deep nerve filled swallow she pulled out the bottle containing the High-Dragon's Blood to the boiling caldron before her. Carefully uncorking the bottle, she begun to pour the blood, with each drop that landed the potion inside the font begun to pulse as if it were a heartbeat, the last of it combined with the mixture and the liquid within exploded outwards. But rather than showering Eve with gore, the blood was sucked towards the pearl and begun to turn to a substance not unlike obsidian. The soul of Azaphal appeared before the font for a moment before being sucked into the crystal. Eve nodded and took up the Soul Transmuter in hand she begun to walk up to the captured Exorcist. The black chains around her now showing for what they were as she begun to fight against them, knowing what was coming. Their black metal was no ordinary chains, instead every time she tried to use her magic, as she was no only a Living Saint but a very powerful Magia, they literally drained it from her channeling it elsewhere.

It was at that point we came running into the room, she let out a loud growl of annoyance, Adam, still licking his wounds from being punched into the church cracked his muscles and looked to Eve. Knowing she was almost done with what they needed to do he yelled out. "Come forth you worthless wretches, defend your Goddess."

Upon the command dozens of Zombies each with crude weapons, most were frying pans, antique ones at that, no doubt Eve having armed her people with any form of Iron she could find, a handful carried actual weapons but those were few and far between. I would have found the sight comical if it wasn't for the fact the damned Fallen were using them as meat shields nothing more and that sickened me. 

"What is this magic?" I growled feeling the energy in the air, it was like heavy weight on my chest, as if I was drowning on land.

"It's an ancient form of alchemy created by an abominable creature." Celestia hissed back the anger in her voice very clear. "We must stop it or the result will be catastrophic."

Sammy nodded her eyes centering on Eve. 

++ Calum, Galen, clear a path, Nill'ia stay with and Protect Jackson until he wakes, Cassi if you'd kindly take care of the Angel that would be great, Judith, give them fire support, Geena, Sophia keep your shots tight and support Calum and Galen. Dwane you are with me, we will end this. ++

Samantha's voice echoed in our heads, this wasn't any normal telepathy mind you, it was how psychic influence over us. It wasn't that she liked doing it, however in a combat situation it was near instant communication.  As although we all heard the whole message due to the way the power worked, we heard the part that was relevant to us first even if it wasn't said first. At the moment Celestia wasn't Demon so she couldn't be included in the message, but as it was she had her hands full anyway. Upon finishing her sentence she had taken to the air, and now stood between Eve and the captive Exorcist, standing firm so Eve could not get to her.

We all instantly sprang into action, me and Calum running forward, he had both blades drawn, the spell upon the active, and for a moment, just a moment I could have sworn I saw someone else's aura interwoven with his. It was just a fleeting moment, but it was there. I could sense his aura, the magic energy of a Greyling pulsate through him and into the blades. But then there was something else, something purely human and radiating pure Sanctified-Magic, I could have sworn that running along his arm, almost bursting from the very skin of his left arm, were dozens of what appeared to be screaming faces, each one a frightened child trapped in the very moment of their death. If I didn't know him, I could have sworn he was Necromancer but this wasn't like any Magic I knew, each one of them were clearly in torment, in Agony in fact.

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