Chapter Fifteen: Old Rivalries

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Steinovitch laughed at the sight, the deranged scientist not caring that an Angel stood before him, he may be, in his mind, a man of God. But Irina had sided with Demons in this, which in his mind made her little more than a Fallen. While still laughing with a cadence befit a psychotic lunatic, he went into his robes, in his left hand he pulled out a simple revolver, in the right he pulled out a sawn off shot gun, his robes beginning to glow with the runes of a Fortification spell. 

"You think you can stop me! I am Father Richard Steinovitch, the foremost Alchemist of the Custodies Veritas, and by exorcising the traitors and vermin before me I swear by God I will earn my way back into their ranks."  

He pulled the trigger on the revolver first, the round flew through the air, impacting the Incubus to Irina's right, his head exploded inwards upon the impact of the large caliber round, for any Lilium a head shot was a death sentence, but the round was no normal bullet. Blessed with a Sanctified-Exorcism Spell, the wound glowed for a few seconds before the Incubus fell over dead all the same. He then pulled the trigger of the shot gun, the shells were loaded with Iron Ball bearings, and they tore through the Lilium on the left of her, the lucky ones were merely wounded, although like any creature of the Underworld the iron burned where it dug into their flesh, the one in the center however had their legs torn from under them, falling into the water at their feet and drowning. 

"Fuck you priest!" Corydon growled, charging at him with a cry of anger, when he got close to Steinovitch he tried to strike out with his blade.

Steinovitch in response then lifted his shotgun, wielding it to block the blow.  He then begun to speak;

"Pater noster qui es in caelis," As he spoke the lord's prayer Corydon staggered backwards in pain.

It was true that to most people the words were just that, words, Magic was as much about intent as it was the spells itself, so spoke by someone who was a true believer in an in an entity was to channel some of their magical might, in this case it meant channeling the Sanctified-Magic of God to become a crippling weapon. 

"Sanctificetur nomen tuum," Steinovitch spoke with a wicked smirk on his face, walking over to Corydon and pulling the trigger point blank, placing the round between his eyes.

"You dare use the lords words as weapons?" Irina hissed full of venom. "There is no hope for you, may Hell show you mercy because I shall not." 


"Fuck!" I yelled out seeing Corydon and his team fall.

This was going badly, really badly, the Eòlach was still in these waters some where, Corydon and his team were either dead or wounded, and with the Cordila coven having betrayed us things were not going our way. I Hissed out as Danii shot another Volpura our way, I pulled Jasmine out the way, both our Clipeums were running low and we couldn't afford to lose them right now. The Eòlach burst out the water, once again transforming, smashed me hard enough with it's tail to break my Clipeum then dived back into the water. Cassi staired at the murky water trying to get a read on the damned fish, while Jasmine held her Tormanblade close, getting ready to blast it with a spell the next time it emerged. Rolled out the way as the Chimera dived down aiming for me, and kicked it hard using all my strength, sending it flying into the wall across from us.

"Danii call off your Familiars," I hissed angrily locking eyes with her. "Right now you and your Coven are in enough trouble don't force us to kill you."

"I will not take orders from a filthy half-blood, you should learn your place."

Pandora, having taken a blow to her chest, slammed to the ground next to me, screaming in pain as her wings snapped on impact. Eve, screaming wildly as she did, dived forward her Heavenly-Blade out stretched like a lance. Cassi reacted quickly jumping between her and Pandora, gripping Eve's arm to prevent her from striking, and pulling her hard to one side. Jasmine took the opening and bent down to heal Pandora, as she did that I heard it to my left, the sound of arrows being loosed at us, as the Rangers and  remaining four Warrior's with bows fired at us. I spun on them using my Dark Mirror to defuse their shots harmlessly into the Void. My main concern was the rest of their Familiar's which had yet to reveal themselves, not to mention I know the Cordila coven had a full combat team, so far we'd only dealt with five of Warrior's, their Ranger's, Danii and her Sworn-Blood, where the hell were the rest?

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