Chapter Eight: Training

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----- May 8th, 2010 -----

With the easier part over, us qualifying for the Game of Rite Tournament Sammy had decided that in the week break between the qualifying rounds and the main Tournament we should get some extra training in. For most of us that just meant our usual training , Calum was working exclusively with Araelia to learn how to track his Pale whilst me and Angi, well we were learning to channel our Shard's powers. For that we had taken a Coven trip to the Eternal Forest deep into in fact, in an area known for having a species of low dragon; Wyvern's compared to Emisurua they weren't all that dangerous. At their largest they got to the size of horses, their scales were much easier to breach and they were vulnerable to magic, plus unless provoked they tended not to attack.

As for why we needed to be in an area with them; Drago had told us that of the many gifts his host had came his command over Dragons and considering a lot of Demons took them as Familiars; including Dwane for that matter, it would be a useful skill to have. Especially as in theory, given that Drago's power was at a Divine level, he could use it on a Wyvern with a Key of a Familiar and it would still work. But on the same if it went wrong it would cause the thing to go on a blind rampage, as we had discovered when he had tried it with Jackson's, he'd had managed to calm his Familiar down a few minutes later but we'd rather avoid any more property damage. Whilst Angi worked on trying to control the latest one, sitting on the opposite side of the lake to us, he focused on trying to control one of them flying above it. The Wyvern currently flew over the lake, after a second or two it dived into the water, snatching up a massive fish like creature in it's two claws before eating it.

I pushed that out of my own mind. "Okay again, focus Iuvenis," Sammy replied nodding to Geena.

Geena let loose with a barrage of arrows, basic wooden things that didn't even have a point, and I held up the hand which Valimus talked out off. Instead of activating the Dark Mirror each of the arrows hit me center mass, causing me to fly off my feet. I sighed heavily as I once more landed in the dirt. I was getting very sick and tired of this.

"I don't see why I have to try and call the Dark Mirror, given that you've told us that it and the Dark spear are the most difficult one to master!" I snapped angrily.

"That is true, however you have already access that one it is the safest bet. The more of my powers you use, the faster my soul will destroy yours." Valimus replied, this time only I could hear him, I'd learned that if his rune didn't flash that's what that meant.

Sammy didn't say anything, she'd gotten used to what I looked like when I was talking to Valimus. She simply helped me to my feet then gestured for Geena to fire again. I once again tried to summon the spell, but still no luck, I just ended up on my ass again.

"Try having him take his armor off, maybe the threat of actual pain will help," Judith spoke, as she focused and improving her aim. "I know, with father's Geomancy, he couldn't master it for weeks until grandfather sealed him in a cave with no food or water."

"Fuck you Judith!" I called out, hissing a little before standing up and brushing myself off.

I did however, as much as I hated to admit it, agree with her. Ancestral-magic isn't like your typical spell, where you learn the incantation or action to cast it then use it, but rather it is almost a part of a Demons soul, which makes sense now we know the truth of it, so to use it you have to connect to that part of yourself. For some Demons it was as simple as breathing, for others you had to find the right trigger. I focused taking a deep breaths closing my eyes. I reached within myself, and begun to meditate almost, I felt the earth beneath my feet, smell the Source Tree's around me, heard the wind blowing through their leaves. The Dark Mirror was inherently defensive, so thinking aggressive thoughts wouldn't help me connect to that part of my soul. Instead I thought of the people I loved, the people I wanted to protect.

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