~ { Interlude: }~

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The Valkyrie touched down in the Death Realm, her silver armor being muted to a dull grey by the nature of the realm. It appeared to be a city, the whole of existence in this place was one giant city in fact. Budding all across the ancient coble stone floor were Black Mercy's, while the houses wouldn't have looked out of place in a fishing village of old, bathed in a constant pale moon light. The whole of the realm was held in shades of black and white. 

She had to admit that collecting the priests Soul was probably the most peculiar collection she had done. However, she was glad she was able to do that. She knew that Calum and the other's like him, four of them in total now, would one day be Reaped and when they did hundreds of souls would be put to rest. She sighed and walked up to the one of the few buildings which didn't look like a simple cottage. It was massive, almost cathedral like in appearance. It had appeared over night when humans had come into existence and the enter Reaper race knew what it was for. She walked up to the solid oak doors, although the whole place was black and white like the rest of the Death Realm

The inside was a great hall, where time ceased to exist, dust hung in the air, only moving when a person walked through it. Massive marble columns framed a long hallway, at the very end of it sat a simple set of scales mounted on a pedestal. The only things of any colour in this realm sat in this room. Sitting on a pedestal in the center was a set of Judaical scales, they didn't appear to be anything special to the naked eye, but they were much more than just that. Above the scale was a small alter like device, at it's center sat a pressure plate. While either side, lining up with one of the dishes on the scale, was a golden tube,

 On the right side of the scales sat a glorious archway, carved of pure white marble the arch was creased with wings where the arches connected, the pillars had vines carved into them, with a gate sitting in the middle was a gate of pure gold. While on the left was its shadowed counter part, made of pure black marble these pillars were instead wreathed with carved flames, while the arch was plain, the gate inside was cast iron. The Valkyrie waited in line, since humans discovered war it was rare that a Reaper arrived in these halls and was able to be seen straight away. She waited in that line for hours, while in the rest of the universe not a single second past, and she finally reached the Pedestal. Once there she took the crystal flask on her hip and emptied it out before leaving. 

Steinovitch's soul appeared, with him being severed from Calum and it this place; the Hall of Cosmic Judgment, he was fully aware. Unlike those who died suddenly, he had seen his death coming the moment he took to the battle, even if he hadn't realized it at the time.  He looked up hoping to at last see the face instead he looked upon the divine being before him. As creatures of the Death Realm he was relatively young, only coming into existence when humans did. Ten feet tall with skin like melted chocolate,  the creature had the body of a man, but the head of a black Jackal, with the same Ice blue eyes as any creature of the Death Realm.

"Name and religion?" Anubis asked, his voice a thunderous roar in the chamber.

"I will not answer you, you pagan abomination!" Steinovitch growled looking at Anubis with a facade of bravery.

"Clearly Catholic then." Anubis growled with a frustrated sigh. "Only your kind could still be a begot in the face of The Cosmic Judge."

"I care not for your posturing! I am a child of God. You will let me pass to Heaven or I shall bring you down with his might!" Steinovitch growled, his voice trembling in fear.

"This is the Hall of Judgment, no entity holds dominion here save myself. So I say again what is your name and religion!" as Anubis spoke the whole room shook with his words, although he didn't really need to ask about the man's religion there was a correct order to these things.

"Richard.... Urihel... Steinovitch... a Catholic..." He stammered, falling to the floor, no matter how hard he tried he could not resist the command. 

As he spoke a pair of Jackals came trotting over to Anubis, seemingly appearing from the shadows. The first carried a small stone bowel in it's mouth, sitting in the bowel were seventeen small pebbles, ten of them had roman numerals carved into them, while seven had small symbols carved into them. The second carried what looked like a rod of metal, with a crystalline hook on the end.

"Richard Urihel Steinovitch you have died in combat, but as is the right of any human, the right to choose, you will be going to the after life of your religion. But you will be judged like all humans." 

He takes the tool from the Jackal which then recedes back into the shadow, Anubis sinks the tool's crystal blade into Steinovitch's chest, with little more regard than a fishermen casting a line, he then pulls it out and hanging on the end of it was a ghostly heart, the very center of any soul, it wasn't a psychical thing but rather the only way Steinovitch's human mind could perceive it. He places the Heart on the alter above the scale. He then took the bowl from the second Jackal.

"You devoted yourself in life to your faith, as such you will be judged by those standards. The Ten commandments and the seven virtues. If you were pure of soul then you have nothing to fear." 

His speech over Anubis took the bowl, and turned around to the alter above the scale, which with his massive height came to his chest, he then begun to pour the bowl of pebbles onto the pressure plate, Steinovitch's heart beginning to glow as he did. Each pebble landed on the pressure plate, moments seemingly becoming days as the pressure plate leaned to either side, the pebbles rolling down the tubes as they did. With each pebble that landed on the right side, it landed without a sound, but any that landed in the left hit the golden vessel with a hollow thump akin to a crash of thunder. The scales tipped slowly to the left, with eleven pebbles in it, while the right one with only six lifted into the air. Steinovitch's whole soul shook with fear knowing what that meant, but he stood his ground, if he was going to go to damnation, he would face it with bravery. As he stood there the gates on the left slowly opened, a portal of flames igniting where the iron gates were moments before. In a trance like state Steinovitch walked towards it, stepping into the portal to the Underworld, into Hell itself.

A Two-Faced Soul-The Daemon Rebirth #2Where stories live. Discover now