Chapter Seven: Qualifier

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----- May 5th 2010 -----

I quickly ran across the battle field as ordered, so far everything was going to plan. Admittedly Sammy's plan was unconventional but it seemed to be working, I felt the Aura of it before anything else. So I quickly shut off my Clipeum and the moment  before it struck I used the tree to my left, flipping out of the way of the bolt of fire thrown my way. It ignited the tree in front of me in flames, I then landed on the ground and used my sword and cut it cleanly through with one strike. The tree tumbled downward behind me and impacted the target that had thrown the fire spear my way.

 The boy's Clipeum, a Vanguard of one of the Student Coven's, instantly broke upon impact. He growled out and threw another bolt of fire at me, it struck my Clipeum but it barely registered against the Sanctified spell, I was dressed only in my armor right now as for Sammy's plan to work I needed to be fast moving, to the point where I was even only wearing my chest plate.  The boy however had used it as a distraction, he used his Vanguard enhanced speed to be on me, striking out. I dropped my Clipeum as I'd rather attempt to parry it then risk a psychical attack to my own protection from ranged attack. Besides for what I was going to do I needed to make psychical contact. I attempted to bring up my own Tainted-Blade but I wasn't fast enough. The sword instead sunk into my upper arm, it wasn't deep and given my rate of healing by this time tomorrow it would be little more than a scratch. I did however wince in pain while at the same time I smirked, I quickly grabbed the boy's arm speaking:

"Aura Drain to myself." As I spoke the words my hand was enveloped in a violet light, and wrapped around his wrist. I drained only enough to empty what was left of his Pale before breaking contact.

+++ Derik Leafiet, Vanguard of the Cordila Coven, eliminated through drained Pale +++ 

Came an announcement in all of our ears. The boy withdrew his sword from my arm, scrapping it along me as he did, I swear he was dragging it out to make the pain worse. "I forgot Nekomanius could do that, good show my lord." He replied, a mix of respect and anger in his voice, before walking towards the edge of the arena.

"Good going Iuvenis, what's your status?" Came Sammy's voice through the Communicatio lapidea currently floating in my ear.

 A little spell Angi had worked up as in his words 'if we are gona fight having a hands free communication system would be better.' It was interesting he had only been in our world a couple of months and was already proving to be quite the Alchemist. He had take the Communicatio lapidea, made them slightly larger than they needed to be so the spell would be self-sustaining like any magical artifact, then using a combination of the same Attraction Spell we placed on our arrows, and a Levitation Spell to make it so the hovered by the users ear so we could hear, then he had combined it with a second one mounted on our neck which allowed us to speak.

"Pale wise I'm about almost full, my Clipeum is still at one quatres strength, got a pretty bad cut on my arm but I should be good."

"I'm in the main clearing, come to me, giving you hemophilia I should heal that asap." Jasmine's voice echoed in my ear and I quickly ran in her direction.

I arrived to find Calum currently locked in a duel with the other Coven's remaining Vanguard, at least I assume it was him as Dwane and Celestia were back at our base. The two Vanguards were using all the speed their Keys granted them, they were moving far to fast for my eyes to see. I could only see a blur of movement. I skidded to a halt next to Jasmine, her dropping her Clipeum only long enough for me to stand next to her. She then held her hands over my wound and as the white light shone over me I felt only a mild warmth as the wound knitted back together.

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