Blood on the Dance Floor (BOTDF) Rating:...4-5...?

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Up until today I have never heard a song by them but, since it was requested of me...let's do it! >:D

Okay first off, pretty much all of my friends have told me that BOTDF sucks (Also said that about brokeNCYDE). Since we had similar music tastes I pretty much avoided their type of music (not a good thing, I know). <- That sounds really... racist? No, band-ist...? Yeah, I think that's it. Anyway, let's get to the background stuff:

TWO MEMBERS: (*gasp* like the White Stripes!?!?!?! Cue flashback: "I'm gonna fight 'em off, a seven nation army couldn't hold me back, they're gonna rip it off, taking their time right behind my back, And I'm talking to myself at night because I can't forget")

-Dahvie Vanity (vocals, keyboard, guitar, bass guitar)- (O_O  ) Multi-talented...? Tf?

-Jayy Von Munroe (vocals)- <- doesn't seem as impressive... sorry to say

 Okay, so searching for these guys is like trying to find a light at the end of the tunnel. <- weird analogy but okay.

I have found so much bad shit on them that it's insane. I mean, my hero (and also one of my favorite musicians), Ronnie Radke has gotten a lot of heat but Dahvie Vanity just tops the flippin' cake. "Pedo" and "rapist" are just two of the common terms that come up for them but I won't let that stop me from checking out the music. Plus, these people could be lying or mixing stories or something. I don't know! I wasn't there when any of that happened so... who am I to assume?

Anyway, the girl who suggested this to me, @EmilieLynnKugelman, suggested a few songs to me that weren't "very sexual". Also, according to her, "that's hard cuz pretty much all of their songs are like that". Oh goodness...


-You Done Goofed Up:

So, apparently... he doesn't give a fuck about what you say.... I support that (unless you actually did it of course. but like I said, "I don't know!"). Okay so after listening to this, I like what the song stands for, ya know? The whole "won't back down" and "standing strong" through everything is a good message, I believe. Nice job on the lyrics, guys! The beat was good too. My only problem was that... I don't know. It just kind of seemed like he was rapping or something? I don't know how to explain it... ugh! Curse you thoughts! NEXT SONG!!!!



Umm, this just f**ked up my brain. Okay, so the beat starts out all happy and energetic but then the lyrics kick in and it just destroys your hopes and dreams for life (might be a little too dramatic). Anyway, basically BOTDF is like telling some person off or something and calling them a liar and stuff. But the whole time I feel like I'm playing Mario... it confuses me. I like the lyrics and I like the beat... just not together... if that makes sense...

BOTTOM LINE: I think that these guys have a pretty good idea of who they are and what they want which is really important in a music group. However, I'm not exactly sure that their music is for me. It isn't "fucking awful" like most people tell me. I think that they have nice beats and nice lyrics but it mixes weird in the middle (Just my opinion). So, I'll give them a 4 or a 5. Tell me what you think about BOTDF. Good or bad? 

BTW,  there is a picture of BOTDF and their video for Unforgiven-------------------->

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