Five Finger Death Punch (FFDP) Rating: 7-8

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SO… I am backed up with these review thingys…

Anyway, FFDP!!! Five Finger Death Punch… is a very…interesting name. *clears throat*


-Ivan Moody: lead vocals

-Zoltan Bathony (sick name): guitar

-Jeremy Spencer: drums

-Jason Hook: lead guitar

-Chris Kael: bass

So, a thank you to @Shadowhunter_Lily, who requested FOUR songs by these guys. The first song that was requested is…:

Song #1: Coming Down

I made a huge mistake by clicking the MV instead of listening to the song first. The only reason I say that is because there is A LOT going on in the music video. First off, I just would like to say that bullying is… mind-numbing. There was a girl who was sensitive about her weight, she was a pill-popper, she was cyber-bullied with naked pictures, she was constantly fighting with her (friend, I think). She has it rough to say the least. The guy, on the other hand… his parents were arguing all the time, and he was bulled at school and… is that it? I think that’s all. Either way, the MV focuses on those two people and it was almost painful to look at (especially since I’ve dealt with some of those issues and have friends who go through it). Now, after I watched this MV I had to go look at the lyrics and listen to it again and… the song is pretty good. I’m honestly confused about the lyrics because it seems like a suicide song but it also seems like a weird relationship where they are just using one another…?

Song #2: Menace

THIS song SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!?!?! Seriously, I was not expecting him to start out screaming. *exhales* Wtf? Alright… okay… this song is COMPLETELY different from the last song. Like, COMPLETELY different. While the last song ends with the message that “One Friend Can Save a Life”, this song is talking about how he is someone who is better off by himself. Including the fact that he is screaming at me, I don’t doubt him at all, lol. I like this song too. This is weirdly a song that I need to listen to in the morning to get me moving. I AM A MENAAAAACCCCCCCEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

Song #3: The Pride

After watching this video… I feel like they could all be murders. I’m not sure if they should take that as a compliment or not but uh… yeah. Anyway, about the song, I like the other two more than this one. This song was cool but it isn’t something that I would listen to often, you know? I love the guitar and bass in this song though! They killed it.

Song #4: American Capitalist

Hands Down, the best quote from these four songs is from this one. The quote is: “I don't wanna believe I'm empty and I don't want to admit I'm wrong, I don't wanna regret who I've become.”  Also, the guitarist, killed this song as well. Somebody, bring this man an award. This song, on paper, seems very short. It constantly repeats the quote that I previously mentioned. But who says a simple song can’t be a great one?

All in all, FFDP was pretty cool. They seem to have a pretty wide range of…themes… I can’t think of the word. So, ignoring the fact that they scared me, I will give them a: 7-8.

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