Papa Roach Rating: 9

189 9 14

Papa Roach…now this should be easy.

Band Members:

Because I respect the past so much, I am only going to write the members that have been here the longest, okay?

~Jacoby Shaddix- lead singer

~Dave Buckner- drums

~Jerry Horton- lead guitar

~Tobin Esperance- Bass

Okay, so before I go any further, I would just like to expose Jacoby for the asshole that he is. This guy hosted Scarred… the show that made me cringe but I kept watching! Thanks a lot! With that being said… I like this guy (^-^  )

Song #1: Last Resort

OF COURSE I had to start with this song. Literally, everybody and their mother know about this song. I f you never heard this song, you were probably living under a rock or you were born after 2002 maybe. This song came out in the year 2000 I think. Anyway, this song is awesome and it describes how so many people feel about life in general. I think of it as an anthem of sorts for broken people. Now… I’m going to tell you a secret that isn’t really a secret. A lot of people found this song to be rather controversial but there weren’t a lot of angry death threats and craziness about the lyrics. My guess is that it’s because MANY people felt the exact same way. Oh, excuse me, I forgot to tell people what the song is about…well you should probably just listen to it because there is no real way to describe it that would still give the song justice.

Song #2: Kick in the Teeth

“We live in a cold dark world with venom in it's fangs.

You can spit it in my face but I know I'll be ok

It's on the attack. It's a war, It's a game.

A ball and chain chew my arm off to get away

Don't fight, or it deny it, invite it cause when it ..”

Not going to lie… that’s all I wanted to say about this song, lol. I love this song and Papa Roach and life in general after I hear this song.

Okay, okay, I love them. They are lovely in a not so lovely way. I’m going to post the video of Last Resort. Oh, and I hope that if you have time you look up the squeaky clean version of that song. I just find it funny that people are so anal and scared to talk about the realness of suicide. *Sigh* stupid people… Papa Roach= 9

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