New Years Day Rating: 7

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So… my dearest sister asked me to do New Years Day… so guess what I’m doing! Okay I was a bit iffy about this…. I usually don’t really care for bands with a female lead. Well, I love Paramore but that’s about it so… yeah. It’s not that it is a girl… I just don’t know…I just think that my bands should have an even level of…something. Like, SWS and PTV… if you put them in a competition against one another… that’d be interesting. BMTH and.. AA or something… idk.

Back to the task at hand, let’s go!


Ashley Costello- Vocals

Anthony Barro- Bass

Nick Rossi- Drums

Nikki Misery- Guitar

Jake Jones- Guitar

Okay, so the first song that I listened to was one that caught my eye. I am not ashamed to say that it caught my eye because of a certain tall person…*cough* Chris Motionless *cough*. Yes, I do understand that the cough thing doesn’t work if I am typing it. Anyway, FIRST SONG!

Song #1: Angel Eyes

This song was pretty okay. It seems like one of those songs that you put on when you’re getting ready in the morning. Like one of those songs that you sing along to as you’re cleaning up, you know? There was no screaming/ growling in this song… I don’t think.  Hmm… “there’s a force not even God can stop, you’re fucking mine”..? Well isn’t she lucky to be saying that to Chris smh.

Song #2: Do Your Worst

“You cannot leave somebody that’s been gone for quite some time”. Huh… nice lyric, right? I think so. There wasn’t a video for this song which was a little disappointing but whatever. I like this song about the same amount that I liked “Angel Eyes”. They were cool. Not bad. Not amazingly, drop dead good. Somewhere in the middle lol.

And their rating is………. *drum roll*


My Total Opinion (Music)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora