Bring Me The Horizon (BMTH) Rating: 9.5-10

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So... recently, a few "fans" have become upset over the loss of a certain guitarist, Jona Weinhofen. The reason that I've put the word fans in quotation marks is because these are the type of people that I don't like. These are the people who are superfans of the music ONLY when their favorite band member(s) are present. Like, whenever they leave, their fans start talking shit about the band and their music and...ugh! It's so frustrating!

When Ronnie left ETF, I didn't stop listening to Escape the Fate immediately. I stopped listening when most of the band members left and their music turned to shit. Now that Adam has left TDG, I don't plan to boycott their music. I still plan to at least give the new music a chance. *sigh* ...let's just do the band members and stuff:


~Oliver Sykes- vocals/screams

~Matt Kean- bass

~Matt Nicholls- drums

~Lee Malia- lead guitar

~Jordan Fish- keyboard

Alrighty then... I love this band! They're great! I'm going to do two of my favorite songs:

Song #1: Don't Go

Honestly, words cannot describe how much I love this song. I've heard that it's based off of a murder that happened near Oliver's family (or involving his family)...maybe it was a friend... Either way, the song starts with violins...yes, violins... and from there it is just beautiful. They don't have a video for this song which is just.. blasphemous but whatever. I'll probably put up a lyric video.

Song #2: It Never Ends

Okay, so this song is impressive and the video just adds to its' perfection. So in the video, all of these people are trying to get something from Oliver. Everybody is demanding to have some piece of him (in the video: zombie-like people wanting his vital organs). But, no matter how many times that he gives out to people, they always want more. Even the people who are trying to help him (in the video: the nurse), are taking some part of him. Every time they take a piece of Oliver, he gets closer to death. He keeps saying, "it never ends" because these people will never be satisfied. At the end of the video, he finally just tells them to let it end and all of these people come and attack him. I think that it's worth mentioning that at the start of this video, Oliver is driving his own ambulance truck... which probably stands for him driving himself to his own death, (I'd heard this song was about his drug addiction).

Anyway, you should definitely check out these songs, this band, and that video! They are completely awesome and I don't think that you will be disappointed! Rating: 9.5-10

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