Of Mice & Men (OM&M) Rating: 9

131 6 16

Review tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime!!!!!!!! So this is an EXTREMELY old request but for whatever reason... I have not written one on OM&M yet so... sorry. Maybe it's because I don't really follow them. Like, I have their music on my phone but... yeah. Here we go though:

-Austin Carlile: Vocals (as if we didn't know this)

-Phil Manansala: Guitar

-Alan Ashby: Guitar (...and this)

-Valentino Arteaga: Drums

-Aaron Pauley: Bass

Okay, okay. So... what songs shall I pick??? Let's just do the first two that I see on youtube... that seems really easy.

Song #1: Bones Exposed

The song was really good... which is to be expected. Apart from the lyrics and the melody and all that good stuff... I just want to say that the music video is awesome. I like how there are like x-rays and stuff oh and the guitar flip thing was AWESOME. I really loves the video and I would give the song/video combo a solid.... 9. Nice. NEXT!

Song #2: Second & Sebring

So... everybody (unless your new) should know this song. It is very... building..? I don't know how to explain it. The first time I heard it I was like, "oh, this is a cool song". Then it turned into..." I really like this song"... which turned into, "I love this song! *pushes repeat*". *Sigh*... yeah... I have no idea what else to say about this song... so yeah.

My overall rating is 9 but for whatever reason... I've never really been interested in looking them up (like interviews and stuff)... weird. Hmm. Who knows? Anyway, you guys, if you haven't already, you should check them out. Look up the songs and videos and EVERYTHING OM&M. They seem pretty cool. Oh, and A LOT of people requested this review but   eliiferkek asked first...okay bye now!

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