I See Stars (ISS) Rating: 7 or 8

368 6 19

I honestly forgot that this was requested of me so... I apologize @eliiferkek...

Anyway, if you guys follow FIR and their shenanigans (hehe, I love that word) then you may have heard about these guys., Honestly, that was the first time that I had ever heard about them. With that story, they were kicked off of the tour because they were getting drunk every night and going crazy. Bottom line:: their fans flipped out, FIR fans flipped out, people verbally attacked Ronnie, I got angry... Yeah that's about it.


~Devin Oliver: lead singer

~Brent Allen: lead guitar

~Jeff Valentine: bass

~Jimmy Gregerson: guitar

~Andrew Oliver: drums

~Zach Johnson: growls, keyboard, synthesizer

Okay, so I was given three songs to try out and I will begin that....NOW!!! (Oh, I forgot to mention that they are on the same record label as *drum roll* ASKING ALEXANDRIA!!! <3 <3 <3)

Song #1: The End of the World Party

Hehe, he has a whiny voice. I like it though... it's the same and different at the same time. CONFLICTING EMOTIONS ONCE AGAIN!!! YAY!!! Anyway, I think that this song doesn't really have a meaning other than it's the end of the world... so... yeah. My favorite quote is: "Your first move might be your last".

Song #2: Can We Start Again

Apparently, we are supposed to take a look at ourselves. Quite honestly, I like the video and the lyrics more than I like the actual song. I'm not sure why. I do have a favorite part of the song though. It is when he talks about being 15 years old and stuff... now that was pretty good.

Song #3: Filth Friends Unite

Okay, now I haven't heard the song yet but... doesn't that title sound promising? Lol. So...the song starts out and they are robbing the U.S Security building or something with V for Vendetta masks (you are awesome if you know what that is). Lol, not like Pierce the Veil and Kellin Quinn in King for a Day but more like government has just fucked up. In King for A Day, they were basically just getting back at their boss... In here, they are just SPAZZING. THE. FUCK. OUT!!! The song is about...well Idk. Lol, I was too distracted by the music video. It sounded pretty good though.

Bottom Line: These guys were pretty good. On a scale of 1-10 I would give them a solid... 7 or 8. Check them out! Check out the music video for Filth Friends Unite and tell me what you think. Also, if you have a band or song or something that you want me to review... PM me or write it in the comments below. The next review will be on Chunk!, No, Captain Chunk!

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