Ghost Town Rating:7-9

309 2 8
  • Opgedragen aan ett123

Okay, so EVERYONE and their mother talks about Ghost Town! "Hey, do you listen to Ghost Town???"

"I LOOOVE Ghost Town!"

Ghost Town, GHOST Town, GHOST TOWN!!!! WTF!? What is happening in the world!? (Side note: I wrote the word 'ghost' so many times just now that it looks weird. Lol) Anyway, it was requested of me to review them so... let's get it going!


~Alix "Monster" Koochaki: guitar

~Manny "Town" Dominick: Drums

~Evan Pearce: that like synthesizers? Is that what they mean...? 0_o...???

~Kevin "Ghost" McCullough: singer/ vocals

Okay, so this was requested by @ett123 and they gave me 2 songs to look up! Yee-hawwww!!! ....I have problems... I'm sorry.

SONG #1: Gamefreak

Okay, I know exactly how to explain what this sounds like, lol.

Oliver Sykes voice from Sleepwalking (how his scream sounds sort of whiny) + Cody Carson's weird voice from Set It Off (love that band!) + Dubstep + the screamer from La Dispute..Jordan! Hahaha. It sounds pretty good. I like it but... it makes me want to listen to all of those artists that I just that good..or bad?

SONG #2: You are so Creepy 

I like the way their screams/growls sound! Overall, it is a pretty good song. It sounds good but... it still makes me want to hear other artists since it sounds like a mixture of things that I like...

RATING: Hmm...Anywhere from 7-9! Let me know what you think about them! If you have anybody that you would like me to review... leave it in the comments or my message board or PM me... just tell me! Lol! Love you guys! Bye! <3

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