One Direction (1D) Rating: ...6-7?

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Okay guys, it’s about time that I did another MTO, right? Today’s band…*forgive me rockstars*…erm…group..? Yeah that fits. Today’s group is ONE DIRECTION. Haha! Who would have thought that I, a person who has only heard one full One Direction song (I don’t even know their names… Harry…? Liam?...etc..?), would do a reaction to them? Wow. Anyway, we can thank SelMelDel for this suggestion. This should be interesting, yeah? On to the peoplesss!


~Harry Styles- WHOA! Stop the review…he’s 20? I really thought that he was like 14... I learned something today! I actually thought they were all young except for the one with facial hair. Anyway, continue!

~Liam Payne- Hehe, I knew there was a Liam.

~Niall Horan- The second ‘L’ in his name makes me think that I’m saying it wrong…

~Louis Tomlinson- Honestly, if he wasn’t in the group, and I had never heard of One Direction, I would not know that they were British. Seriously. He looks like a stereotypical British kid…adult.

~Zayn Malik- Ahh, this is the one that everybody makes fanfics about on Wattpad (besides Harry of course)

I have a question: Do they just sing…or…do they dance too? Are they like kpop groups? Or are they like… Bieber times 5? I’m not trying to be rude or anything for all of you super fans that creep me out… I just want to know. Yeah… on to the music!

Song #1: Best Song Ever

So…this was the first and last full song that I have ever heard by One Direction. So I guess that explains how much I liked it. I feel like the song mainly got popular only because well…1.) One Direction has a lot of fans… and 2.) It’s catchy. It’s similar to how ‘Baby’ by Bieber got famous or like Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People or Another One Bites the Dust by Queen. Anyway, if I had to rate this song it would probably be a 5. I can see how someone would like it but it’s really not my style.

Song #2: What Makes You Beautiful

So…this song, I never heard the full song, lol. Impossible, right? No, no, it’s true. I’ve only heard little snippets of the song. Like Live While We’re Young… I’d only heard the commercial with Drew Brees. Anyway, the best thing about this song is probably the lyrics. But also… what kind of turns me off about the song is…the lyrics. The song is basically saying that what makes the girl beautiful… is the fact that she doesn’t know that she is beautiful. Now, I understand how modesty is like attractive and whatever but since I’m in rock/Vic Fuentes/ Kellin Quinn mode, I have to think about girls who don’t think that they are beautiful which can turn into a horrible situation. As far as that, I don’t think that it’s their lack of knowledge of their beauty that makes them beautiful, it’s their actual beauty, you know? I’m probably thinking into this too much but yeah. Anyway, I would rate this song higher than the last and give it a 7.

Whoa, this was longer than I thought. Bottom line is that I feel like One Direction is a Disney singing group that isn’t quite Disney so like Nickelodeon or Teen Nick or whatever. I can see how people could get crazy over them but… I couldn’t see myself doing it. I mean, I can’t really judge being that I was all about the Jonas Brothers when I was in like middle school. I wasn’t ripping my hair out over them but uh… yeah. Oh, and now I am in love with Kpop so…yeah. I would rip my hair out for Kpop boys… not joking. I guess it all just depends on your taste in music. One Direction isn’t the evil of this Earth or anything lol. They are just regular old school boy band type of British guys. The only real issue that I have with One Direction is the fact that they are always thrown in my face (Never go to the store/ mall/ anywhere with the expectation that you will escape them). I also despise the psycho fans. They are probably the evil in the world. Actually, most of the people that hate One Direction don’t hate the actual group but they are driven to by the stupid fans that have to make every ounce of their life about them. This is too long! I’m done! Rating: uh…6-7? Still not my cup of tea (No Brit pun intended)

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