Motionless in White (MIW) Rating: 9

255 5 6

While I wouldn't consider Motionless in White to be my favorite band, it definitely has the potential to be. MIW is just one of those bands that make you feel... hahaha, that is such a weird thing to say... anyway...


~Chris "Motionless" Cerulli- Vocals/ screams

~Joshua Balz- Piano (hehehe)

~Ryan Sitkowski- Lead Guitar

~Devin "Ghost" Sola- Bass

~Ricky (Horror) Olson- Rhythm Guitar

~Brandon "Rage" Richter- Drums

So... I wasn't given any specific songs so I'll just pick my own. We're gonna start with a song... with an awesome video... and that song is... *drum roll*

SONG #1: Immaculate Misconception

*crowd cheers* Okay, okay. Settle down. This song...this video... just *sigh* When the video first comes on you see a bunch of Jesus freaks with signs telling the band to, "burn in hell" and to "save your soul". Now let's pause here. For those of you who do not know, I am a P.K (Preacher/pastor's kid). I don't consider myself to be a full-on Christian because I don't believe that the Bible is 100% accurate and because the "Christians" of today are hypocritical ass posers and I don't want to be associated with them. I mean if you really believe in your religion, you aren't going to pick and choose which rules you want to follow... anyway, BACK TO THE SONG! *play* The band members are seeing all of these signs and while there are some members (Ricky a.k.a Mr.Cool a.k.a my favorite member) who can just light a cigarette and walk past them, Chris (in particular) can't stop looking at them. AND NOW, the shit hits the fan. Some dude runs up to Chris and literally spits black crap in his face!!! Oh shiz-nit it is about to get real! Chris takes a little moment to get himself situated and wipe the crap off of his face and then he tackles Mr. Jesus Freak to the ground and that's when he starts the song. *faints* I love it.

SONG #2: Underdog

There is really no way of reviewing this song other than saying that it gives you a serious eargasm. So... um... go listen to that. MY favorite line would probably be: "I won't pretend that, I'm not a victim of a world that will not listen". Nice, right?

I really should have just done one separate review of Immaculate Misconception... lol. Or maybe a book just explaining videos. Anyway, MIW gets a 9 because I really like their music BUT I haven't searched a lot of their songs... so tell me what ya think!

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