Seremedy Rating:...8?

125 3 7

OOOOOOKAY. Seremedy. I was asked to do them a LONG time ago... but didn't know it so... let's go!

Band Members:

-Seike: Vocals

-Yohio: Guitar (and screams... I think...?)

-Ray: Guitar

-Jenziih: Bass

-Linder: Drums

Okay, now, before I get to the songs I would just like to warn you that these guys are a little... different lol. First few seconds of watching them: "They look like Japanese people or some serious anime lovers." The only reason I thought that was... first off, their eyes are huge. Then they have a bunch of colors (not happy, overly bright colors)...and their hair. It wasn't a bad thing... just surprising. Oh! The dude.. Yohio. I couldn't stop looking at him because he looks like a human version of Elizabeth from Black Butler. MUSIC TIME!

Song #1: No Escape

I think that this is their only song with a music video. Umm... the song was good. I liked the lead singers voice. It was kind of deep and kind of smooth. NOT Andy Biersack deep and smooth know. The video... they were killing the girl, right? ...and the big dude was a hostage...? I think that is what was happening. If not, tell me. Overall, the song was cool, the visual were... interesting.

Song #2: Deja Vu

Okay, now, seriously, this does sound like a Jpop (...Jrock..?) song...? I'm not really into Jpop/rock but this seems like the type of song that would be in the beginning of an anime. A song that you kind of just bob your head to until the show starts... DEJA VUUUU DEJA VUUUUUUUUUUU. I like the first song better but this one wasn't awful.

Erm... this group was okay, I like their appearance and they have good vocal, guitar, bass... etc skills. RATING: probably an 8

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