chapter 25

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tobis voice exclaimed as we walked into an upsetting sight.

his dad lay limp on the hospital bed, his head bandaged up as he rested.

"tobi settle your voice down it's getting late you'll wake up the whole ward!" his mom bit at him, "get in and close the door,"

so we did, making sure to shut the door and me and tobi taking the only available seat, the rock hard sofa, for the two of us.

tobis mums scoff was somewhat full of annoyance as she rolled her eyes in my direction.

"see you've brought that," she muttered under her breath, clearly wanting Tobi and i to hear her.

i felt Tobis arm wrap around me and his jaw clenched. "mum," he warned harshly, "I thought told you to not call addy 'that' or 'it' she has a name so fucking use it." and his mum raised an unimpressed expression.

"excuse me tobit, number one you never ever swear at me like that again, you'll regret it" she angrily gritted at her son, "and two, this is a private family thing, not including your little girlfriend here, little addy here is not allowed to tag along." coldly she stated and i felt a lump begin forming in my throat, tobi sending his mum the most deadliest look.

"mum, stop it she's a part of the-,"

"no tobi, no she isn't. look at your father hm. look at him! he's severely hurt. and you bring a stranger in here who he doesn't even know! come on Tobit. and to make it worse you haven't even asked about your father yet. come on Tobi it's pathetic," she rolled her eyes, the last thing i want to do is to be selfish and cry.

but it was as if the world was against me, really against me.

"sorry hunny," she spoke to me now changing her whole demeanour "i don't mean to be rude it's just stressful times." She falsely smiled to me and i sent her a half hearted one back.

"you could use something to eat though darling god you look like a twig."

that was it, that's my weak spot. the punch in the gut. the thing to tip me over the edge. a tear falling from my eye.

"don't you agree, it?" now she was being cruel. flat out nasty to me, and more and more tears followed the first.

"mum, what the fuck is wrong with you!" Tobi screamed at her in defence of me getting protective, especially since now he knows of my past issues and struggles.

his mum rose from the armchair beside her husbands bed and marched over to tobi, smacking his stomach.

on impact he yelped in pain clutching his stomach as i gasped.

his mother loudly laughed, "you that weak tobi son? didn't even hit you that hard god you'd think i abuse you constantly."

"i can't be in this room with you anymore mum, i don't know what's going on with you right not but you need to sort it, let's go Adelaide." he grabbed my hand but i was reluctant on going as he hadn't had a full chance to speak to his dad.

"tobs your dad," i protested whilst i cried.

"addy it's okay he'll be fine" and we left the hospital room.

as soon as we were fully out of the door, standing just outside, i instantly felt tears gush down my face, tears that wouldn't stop falling and tobi pulled me into his chest.

i sobbed and sobbed until tobis t shirt was soaked and drenched through. my worst nightmare had happened. tobis mum hates me. to make it worse she brought up loads of stuff that bring back awful memories.

"addy baby look at me" he tried but i refused to meet his eyes, so he easily placed his hand gently under my chin to lift my face, now red and puffy from the endless cries.

"don't listen to her. she had no right to say any of that what she done was disgusting."

"tobi it's fine, i mean her husband nearly died i-,"

"she doesn't get to use that as an excuse. stop defending her addy she had no right to talk to you like that and disrespect you. you've done nothing my love okay. and you're perfect just the way you are. don't listen to her in begging you addy." he pleaded with me, my heart feeling heavy as i nodded.

"come on let's sit down for a bit love," he placed his warm hand in mine as they clasped together, walking lovingly towards the uncomfortable looking metal hospital chairs.

we sank into the chairs, although not very far and i lay my head on tobis shoulder.

"how are you tobs?" god here's little miss selfish again, i made everything about myself. when tobi should be the one being comforted.

he gulped loudly "fine" but i wasn't convinced.

"tobi, i know im not the brightest, but im smart enough to know there's no way anyone in your situation would be okay." I told him.

"but i am" he whined, but the sadness in his voice was evident when his voice cracked.

"tobi." i warned lightly rubbing his leg trying to provide him with the comfort he needed.

"I hate how she talked to you. how she spoke to me like that. how she didn't even let us fucking sit down. didn't even get a chance to even speak to my dad," his head hit the back of the chair. "to make it worse she just had to hit me because i swore at her. thinks she forgets im an adult now."

"is it sore?" i sat up and began rubbing his stomach which was tinged a light red.

"it's right where i had my liver issues, where my bruising was." he groaned,

"you sure you're okay my love," i looked up to see his poor face, his exhaustied expression.

"yeah it's just been such a shitty day. and it sucks cause it started out so well," he smiled halfway, resting his forehead against mine.

"at least it's a little less shitty cause you're here Wilson," he laughed into my hair making me giggle.

"same goes brown, same goes"




sorry for the slow updates icl my mental health been not the best but im trying!! my next priority is the trent book anyone waiting on that x

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