Pizza Date?

422 22 5

Pizza Parlor.

We all squeezed into a Booth on the farther side of the restaurant. Cyborg was still ordering his meal and it's been five minutes already. God, this dude eats a lot. Robin was sitting between Starfire and Bumblebee. Beastboy was seated next to Cyborg. I was across from them all, along with Speedy and Kid Flash. Hotspot and Raven decided not to come. Mas &Menos, Kole and Herald were away.

Conversation stirred around the table, becoming a huge combination of chaos. I turned to Speedy and sighed heavily. "I wish Cyborg would hurry this up. We'll Never get our food thanks to him. "

Speedy nodded. "Hey Cy. "Speedy interrupted, causing Cyborg to shoot him a glare. "Can you hurry it up, We're hungry. " "I'm trying to get us the best stuff on the menu "he laughed and continue his rant.

"Really? "I exhaled deeply and slouched. "This is going to a be a long afternoon. "

Pizza Parlor.

Starfire wrapped her arms around my waist and snuggled more into me. She looks over at me with worried eyes. "Friend Robin, are you the alright? "

Her eyes growing larger and more green. I look down at her and smile. "Just thinking about something."I replied. "Are thinking about Slade?"

I stiffly nodded. "Well Friend Robin. I believe we're going to catch The Evil Slade. I believe. "Star grabs my hand and looks me dead in the eyes. I smirked and looked away. "Thanks Star, He can't take down all of us. "

She nods and takes another bite of her pizza. Beastboy has straws hanging out his nose and ears. He's always the childish one who wants to make people laugh.Cyborg is as well but he knows the limits.

If Raven was here she would probably roll her eyes and say something sarcastic. I wish Raven was here. Her cold presence always warmed me up inside. She completes me somehow.

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